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It depends on the relationship between the triangle and the square!

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Q: How do you calculate area of a triangle using the length of the diagonal of a square?
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How to calculate diagonal of square?

If the length of a side of the square is S units then the diagonal is S*sqrt(2) units in length.

When a square is divided by diagonal is it called an equilateral triangle?

no but the diagonal divides the square into two equilateral triangles. An equilateral triangle is a triangle that has two sides of the same length

How is the length of a diagonal of a square found?

As a square has right angles, the diagonal forms a right triangle with two of the sides of the square. Therefore use Pythagoras: diagonal² = side² + side² → diagonal² = 2side² → diagonal = side × √2 Therefore to find the length of the diagonal of a square, multiply the side length of a square by the square root of 2.

What is the length of a diagonal of a square with a side length of 8?

8*sqrt(2) The diagonal of the square would be the hypotenuse of the right triangle formed by two of the sides of the square.

Calculate the approximate length of a diagonal of a square with sides of 11.1cm?


How do you calculate the diagonal of the square?

You multiply the length of a side by the square root of 2.If you only have the area, square root it to find the length of a side.

What is the length of a diagnal square with sides of length of 5?

The length of the diagonal of a square with sides 5 is 5√2. This is because of the properties of a 45-45-90 triangle.

What is the approimate side length of a square with a diagonal of 5 units?

The side length of the square is about 3.54 units using Pythagoras' theorem for a right angle triangle

How do you find out the length of a diagonal in a square?

Use Pythagoras. The diagonal, and two sides of the square form a right angled triangle. So if each side of the square is x cm long, the diagonal is x*sqrt(2) cm long.

How do you find the side of a square if you know its diagonal?

Divide the length of the diagonal of a square by 1.4142 (which is the square root of 2) to find the length of a side. Similarly, to find the length of the diagonal of a square, multiply the length of a side by 1.4142.

How to you calculate area of square whose diagonal length is 8cm?

Firstly you need to work out the length of a side. Using Pythagorean Theorem for a right angled triangle a2+b2=c2 where a = the length, b = height & c = diagonal since c = 8 and a = b are the same 2a2 = 64 a2 = 32 a = 5.657 cm since the area of the square is a2 then area = 32cm2

What is the diagonal of a 20ft x 20ft square?

Since a square has right angles, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the diagonal. Specifically, the diagonal of a square is equal to the length of a side, multiplied by the square root of 2.