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Q: How do you calculate parking ratio per 1000 sf?
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How do you Calculate Parking Ratios?

To calculate parking ratios, you divide the total parking spaces available by the total square footage of the building or space being measured. For example, if a building has 100 parking spaces and 10,000 square feet, the parking ratio would be 100/10,000, which equals 0.01 or 1 parking space per 100 square feet.

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As per Census 2011, Sex ratio of Kerala is 1084. [1084 females per 1000 males]

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The percent of 12.5 per 100 is 12.5% The ratio of 12.5% is 125/1000 = 1/8

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total admits/total days x 1000

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1002 episodes*20,000 pateints/1000

What is the parking ratio for a building of 100000sf and has 307 parking spaces?

The parking ratio in this case would be approximately "3 per 1,000". In other words, there are three spaces for every 1,000 square feet of space in the building. The equation that you can use is: Parking Spaces / (Building Square Footage/1,000) or 307 / (100,000/1,000) = 307/100 = 3.07

How do you figure parking lot ratio for a building?

To calculate parking needs for a commercial building you must first find out how many parking spaces per thousand square feet of building is required per code. Let's say the code states that you will need 5 spaces for every 1,000 square feet of building. If your shopping center is 125,000 square feet you simply divide 125,000 by 1,000 and multiply by 5 to arrive at your parking needs. Example 125,000/1,000 x 5 = 625 spaces

What is the sex ratio in India as per 2011 census?

940 females per 1000 males as per census 2011Read more: What_is_the_male_and_female_ratio_in_India

How do you calculate Days per 1000 members?

(days/member months)*12000

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@inpatient_cost_per_1000_per_year = (@inpatient_cost_per_1000/@member_months)* 12

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The Philippines has an average ratio of 1,000 people per hospital bed.Has a population of 88,000,000 as of 2007 census 88,000,000 Filipinos divide by 1000 ave. ratio = 88000 beds aison080609

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2.89 physicians per 1000 people (2004). For comparison purposes, the US has a lower density, with 2.67 physicians per 1000 people.