The custom varies from one country to another. There is sometimes a conventional percentage of the total amount that is given.
Take the dollar amount on the check and multiply it by 0.15. For example, if the check was $17.5, then the tip would be $17.5 * 0.15 or $2.625, or $2.63, which most people would give $2.75 or even $3.
Tip means "To Insure Promptness." Tipping is different in different parts of the world and varies by level of service given. Sales taxes are different in different parts of the world. Then use algebra to determine how much to add to the bill.
Start with the bill without sales taxes. Divide by 5. That's a 20% tip. You can also take the pre-tax number, move the decimal point one position to the left and divide by 2. Same result.
yes, in ancient times people used the tip of their finger to measure out an inch. they also used the length from the tip their finger to the other tip of their finger to measure the persons height.
The tip of a pencil or the writing part of a pencil is called graphite.
For the tip!
Add all your miles up.
because its the polite way to thank them for serving you
You could use it to calculate the tip ?
You leave a tip to servers because it is generally understood that their pay doesn't reflect the amount of work they do. Part of this understanding is that employers know that servers receive tips to supplement their income! Tips are generally to show the server that you know she/he did a good job, and maybe even an extra-special job. However, don't confuse the work of the server with the quality of the food or drink that you receive. The server isn't also doing the work of the cooks and bar tenders. If a server does well, leave a good tip. If the service is poor for some reason, leave a smaller tip.
I'm a server at the olive garden I normally tip two percent of my sales or ten percent of what I make
-- Remember that "15 percent" means 0.15 . -- Multiply the bill by that number to calculate the tip.
It does if you buy one from a company, but it doesn't if you set up one yourself. Go to the site in the related links for information on setting up a server yourself. Also, a little tip, you can only install plugins on your Minecraft server if you're running a Bukkit server.
abv x percentage of alcohol
calculate 20% of the total bill and leave that much.
No. Its just a metaphor they use to get every one to one spot on Club Penguin in that server.
No, the tip is for the server. The restaurant should not be taking any percentage of the tips.