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Q: How do you calculate a tip?
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How do you use math at Applebee's?

You could use it to calculate the tip ?

How do you find a 15 percent tip from a bill that is 18.64?

-- Remember that "15 percent" means 0.15 . -- Multiply the bill by that number to calculate the tip.

How do you tip good in France with euros?

calculate 20% of the total bill and leave that much.

When you tip do you tip before or after taxes?

Generally, you tip before taxes. With food service, a good trick is to know the sales taxes in the state you are in and remember what multiplier of that equals roughly 20%. In California, for example the sales tax is around 8.5%, thus many people simply double that to calculate the tip.

How do you calculate tip for server?

The custom varies from one country to another. There is sometimes a conventional percentage of the total amount that is given.

How do you calculate a 15 percent tip?

Take the dollar amount on the check and multiply it by 0.15. For example, if the check was $17.5, then the tip would be $17.5 * 0.15 or $2.625, or $2.63, which most people would give $2.75 or even $3.

How can math relate to a waitress?

A waitress need to use percents to calculate his or her tip. Also, it helps to be able to add up the bill correctly.

How do you calculate tax and tip and discount?

Tip means "To Insure Promptness." Tipping is different in different parts of the world and varies by level of service given. Sales taxes are different in different parts of the world. Then use algebra to determine how much to add to the bill.

What is the tip of the Q tip called?

Q- Tip tip

How calculate gratuity?

O.15 X amount Example $100 food eaten =100 X .15 = 15 = tip Total is 100+15 = 115

Which is further south the tip of Florida or the tip of BajaCalifornia?

The tip of Baja California is farther south.

How do you calculate a 20 percent tip?

Start with the bill without sales taxes. Divide by 5. That's a 20% tip. You can also take the pre-tax number, move the decimal point one position to the left and divide by 2. Same result.