That depends what you are measuring. There are lots of different units to measure different things: length, area, volume, weight, mass, force, etc.
Multiply everything by (1 x 100), since the metric system is 'standard' almost everywhere in the world.Note:The same conversion factor is useful for converting 'ml' to 'cc', and 'cycles per second' to 'Hz'.)
They never did so. They didn't finish the transition to metric in the first place. By the way, metric IS the standard. Feet, etc. is non-standard.
conversion table metric to SAE
Sorry, but metric is standard. Scroll down to related links and look at "Metric system - Wikipedia".no it is not
One can just convert it themselves. For example 1 inch is 2.54cm, and one pound is .45kg. There are many conversion tables that can be found, both in print and online that give the full list of standard to metric conversions. Also many scientific calculators have the conversions built in so one just has to enter data and it converts it for them.
Feet is a standard unit of measurement mostly used in the American culture. The metric system will convert 6.2 feet into the 1.88976 meters which is the metric unit of measure.
The formula for converting American standard to metric standard, for example from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Centigrade, is subtracting 32 degrees from the temperature and multiplying by 5/9.
There is no such thing as a USA standard. 4mm is the same length as 0.16 inches, approximately.
You should convert metric measurements to standard US measurements when you need to communicate with someone who is more familiar with the US system, or if the specific context or requirements you are dealing with call for the use of standard US measurements.
The threads on bicycle pedals are American Standard.
metric to metric ?Multiply by 1.
SAE is American or standard thread and metric is everything else. The size or diameter is different and the pitch of the thread is different also.
no idea am asking you to convert into inches
Some are standard and some are metric. Lug nuts are standard and most others are metric.
At the time our president (Carter?) agreed to convert to the metric system if the other developed countries (Europe) would conduct business using the American Dollar as the standard for trade. You see how that worked out.
There are several standard metric units, for measuring different things.There are several standard metric units, for measuring different things.There are several standard metric units, for measuring different things.There are several standard metric units, for measuring different things.
you probably have half American standard and half metric.