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There are often multiple 'correct' dimensions for these problems. The most straight forward way to solve it is to list all the factors that, when multiplied, equal the area. Then from this list, cross out the factors that DON'T equal your perimeter. The remaining factors are your possible dimensions.

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Q: How do you find the dimensions of a rectangle with only the area and perimeter?
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Length + width = half the perimeter, but more info eg area, is needed.

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How do you find the area of a rectangle with a perimeter of 36m?

how do you find the area of a rectangle witha perimeter of 36 in You don't. You need more information For example a 1 x 17 rectangle has a perimeter of 36 and its area is 17. But a 2 x 16 rectangle also has a perimeter of 36 and its area is 32.

How do you find the dimensions of the area of a rectangle?

The dimensions for area are [L2]

How do you find the perimeterof a rectangle in square feet?

If the dimensions of the rectangle are in feet, the perimeter will be in feet as well. The area will be in square feet. The area is length x width. The perimeter is 2 x (length + width) or 2 x length + 2 x width.

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If the length of a rectangle is twice its width and it has a perimeter of 48, then the rectangle is 16 in length and 8 in width.

How do you find the optimal dimensions of a rectangle if you know the area?

Assuming that you want to minimise the perimeter, then use a square. Its side length is, of course, given by the square root of the area.