Yes. For example, if at least a quarter of the observations were all equal to the minimum then the left whisker would collapse into the left side of the box. Similarly, if a quarter of the observations were equal to the maximum, the right whisker would not appear.
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A box plot may be used at a preliminary stage to determine the centre and spread of a set of data. The box [and whiskers] plot measures the central point by the median and the range from the maximum and minimum or the quartile points.
No, they are two different things. Mainly because the Box And Whisker Plot has a different technique and focuses on highs and lows. The Stem and Leaf Plot has to do with key codes, grouping numbers, and amounts.
If the median is exactly in the middle of the box, and the box is exactly in the middle of the whiskers, then skewness = 0. The data are skewed if either the median is off-centre in the box, or if the box is off-centre overall.
The whiskers go from the minimum to the maximum though outliers may be excluded. The box, itself, goes from the lower quartile to the upper quartile.
A box and whiskers plot is a very simple way off showing summary information for a set of data. This can allow some quick analyses of the location and spread of data and permit simple comparisons between sets of data.