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Multiply them together.

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Q: How do you find the product of n terms in an progression?
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Formula to find out the sum of n terms?

It is not possible to answer this question without information on whether the terms are of an arithmetic or geometric (or other) progression, and what the starting term is.

Who gave the formula for finding sum of the first 'n' terms in Arithmetic Progression?


How do you find the sum to n terms of a harmonic progression?

The sum of n terms in a harmonic progression is given by the formula ( S_n = \frac{n}{a_1+ \frac{ (n-1)d}{2}} ) where ( S_n ) is the sum of n terms, ( a_1 ) is the first term, d is the common difference.

What is the Sn formula?

The formula for the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic progression is Sn = n/2 * (a + l), where Sn is the sum, n is the number of terms, a is the first term, and l is the last term.

The 'nth term of an Arithmetic Progression is 3n-2.Find the sum of first n terms.What is the sum of first 10 terms?

The sum of the 1st n terms is : N(3N-1)/2 Explanation : The sum from 1 to N of (3m-2) = 3 * sumFrom1toN(m) - sumFrom1toN(2) = 3 * (N*(N+1)/2) -2*N = N(3N-1)/2 For N=10 => 145

What is the formula for the geometric progression with the first 3 terms 4 2 1?

The nth term of the series is [ 4/2(n-1) ].

What is the product of 3 and N?

A product of 3 and N would be 3 and N multiplied together, so the product would be 3N. To get a numeric answer, you would first need to find what the value of N is.

What formula represents the partial sum of the first n terms of the series 5 10 15 20 25?

The series given is an arithmetic progression consisting of 5 terms with a common difference of 5 and first term 5 → sum{n} = (n/2)(2×5 + (n - 1)×5) = n(5n + 5)/2 = 5n(n + 1)/2 As no terms have been given beyond the 5th term, and the series is not stated to be an arithmetic progression, the above formula only holds for n = 1, 2, ..., 5.

How do you find the C programming of the sum of the series 5 plus 55 plus 555 plus . plus n terms?

Find the Sum to n terms of the series 5 5+55+555+ +n Terms

What is the difference between arithmetic progression and geometric progression?

In an arithmetic progression the difference between each term (except the first) and the one before is a constant. In a geometric progression, their ratio is a constant. That is, Arithmetic progression U(n) - U(n-1) = d, where d, the common difference, is a constant and n = 2, 3, 4, ... Equivalently, U(n) = U(n-1) + d = U(1) + (n-1)*d Geometric progression U(n) / U(n-1) = r, where r, the common ratio is a non-zero constant and n = 2, 3, 4, ... Equivalently, U(n) = U(n-1)*r = U(1)*r^(n-1).

How do you find sum of sequential numbers?

You.... have to apply this formula! n(n+1)/2 and n is the no. of terms

What is the product of any nonzero real number and its reciprocal?

The product of any nonzero real number and its reciprocal is the number 1. This can be mathematically given as n multiplied by 1/n, where n represents the nonzero real number. The product of these two terms is 1.