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Q: Who gave the formula for finding sum of the first 'n' terms in Arithmetic Progression?
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What is the sum of the first 15 terms of an arithmetic?

For an Arithmetic Progression, Sum = 15[a + 7d].{a = first term and d = common difference} For a Geometric Progression, Sum = a[1-r^15]/(r-1).{r = common ratio }.

The 7th term of an arithmetic progression is 6 The sum of the first 10 terms is 30 Find the 5th term of the progression?


What is the sum of the first 100 multiples of 3?

The solution to the given problem can be obtained by sum formula of arithmetic progression. In arithmetic progression difference of two consecutive terms is constant. The multiples of any whole number(in sequence) form an arithmetic progression. The first multiple of 3 is 3 and the 100th multiple is 300. 3, 6, 9, 12,... 300. There are 100 terms. The sum 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + ... + 300 can be obtained by applying by sum formula for arithmetic progression. Sum = (N/2)(First term + Last term) where N is number of terms which in this case is 100. First term = 3; Last term = 300. Sum = (100/2)(3 + 300) = 50 x 303 = 15150.

What formula represents the partial sum of the first n terms of the series 5 10 15 20 25?

The series given is an arithmetic progression consisting of 5 terms with a common difference of 5 and first term 5 → sum{n} = (n/2)(2×5 + (n - 1)×5) = n(5n + 5)/2 = 5n(n + 1)/2 As no terms have been given beyond the 5th term, and the series is not stated to be an arithmetic progression, the above formula only holds for n = 1, 2, ..., 5.

What is an algebraic expression for the pattern rule start with 11 and add 3 each time?


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What is the Sn formula?

The formula for the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic progression is Sn = n/2 * (a + l), where Sn is the sum, n is the number of terms, a is the first term, and l is the last term.

Which term is the first negative term of the arithmetic progression 242016?

-4 is the first negative term. The progression is 24,20,16,12,8,4,0,-4,...

What is the sum of the first 15 terms of an arithmetic?

For an Arithmetic Progression, Sum = 15[a + 7d].{a = first term and d = common difference} For a Geometric Progression, Sum = a[1-r^15]/(r-1).{r = common ratio }.

The 7th term of an arithmetic progression is 6 The sum of the first 10 terms is 30 Find the 5th term of the progression?


Is 15 26 37 48 59 an arithmetic sequence?

It is an Arithmetic Progression with a constant difference of 11 and first term 15.

What is the sum of the first 450 consecutive odd numbers?

You can use one of the formulae for the sum of an arithmetic progression to calculate that.

What is the Formula for arithmetic progression?

An arithmetic sequence is usually given by a formula in which the nth term, T(n), is given in terms of the first term, a, and the common difference, d: t(n) = a + d*(n-1) where n= 1, 2, 3, etc An alternative is to define it iteratively. Thus: t1 = a tn = tn-1 + d , where n = 2, 3, 4, etc

What is the difference between arithmetic progression and geometric progression?

In an arithmetic progression the difference between each term (except the first) and the one before is a constant. In a geometric progression, their ratio is a constant. That is, Arithmetic progression U(n) - U(n-1) = d, where d, the common difference, is a constant and n = 2, 3, 4, ... Equivalently, U(n) = U(n-1) + d = U(1) + (n-1)*d Geometric progression U(n) / U(n-1) = r, where r, the common ratio is a non-zero constant and n = 2, 3, 4, ... Equivalently, U(n) = U(n-1)*r = U(1)*r^(n-1).

What is the sum of the first 100 multiples of 3?

The solution to the given problem can be obtained by sum formula of arithmetic progression. In arithmetic progression difference of two consecutive terms is constant. The multiples of any whole number(in sequence) form an arithmetic progression. The first multiple of 3 is 3 and the 100th multiple is 300. 3, 6, 9, 12,... 300. There are 100 terms. The sum 3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + ... + 300 can be obtained by applying by sum formula for arithmetic progression. Sum = (N/2)(First term + Last term) where N is number of terms which in this case is 100. First term = 3; Last term = 300. Sum = (100/2)(3 + 300) = 50 x 303 = 15150.

What formula represents the partial sum of the first n terms of the series 5 10 15 20 25?

The series given is an arithmetic progression consisting of 5 terms with a common difference of 5 and first term 5 → sum{n} = (n/2)(2×5 + (n - 1)×5) = n(5n + 5)/2 = 5n(n + 1)/2 As no terms have been given beyond the 5th term, and the series is not stated to be an arithmetic progression, the above formula only holds for n = 1, 2, ..., 5.

What is the difference of arithmetic progression to geometric progression?

In an arithmetic progression the difference between each term (except the first) and the one before is a constant. In a geometric progression, their ratio is a constant.That is,Arithmetic progressionU(n) - U(n-1) = d, where d, the common difference, is a constant and n = 2, 3, 4, ...Equivalently,U(n) = U(n-1) + d = U(1) + (n-1)*dGeometric progressionU(n) / U(n-1) = r, where r, the common ratio is a non-zero constant and n = 2, 3, 4, ...Equivalently,U(n) = U(n-1)*r = U(1)*r^(n-1).

What is the sum of the first 27 odd numbers?

You can just go ahead and add them. Or you can use the formula for an arithmetic series.