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To find the answer to this question you would have to know how to find the volume of a cone. First, find the angle of the side to the base to determine at what height a cone would be formed if the sides of the cylinder extended all the way up to a single point. This would be the height of the cone. Take this number and put into the equation Assuming you know the radius of the cylinder at the bottom, the wider side. Next, subtract the total height of the cone from the height of the cylinder you want to know the volume of. You will now be finding the volume of the smaller cone within the larger cone. Put the smaller height into the above equation now using the radius of the top part of cylinder. Subtract this total from the total volume of the biggest cone and you will have the volume of a cylinder that is smaller on one end.

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Q: How do you find the volume of a cylinder that is smaller on one end?
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How do uou find the volume of a metal cylinder?

The volume of any cylinder is (pi) x (radius of the circular end)2 x (length of the cylinder)

Where do you measure the curve of a cylinder to find its volume?

A good place to measure is the diameter of the circular end. That gives you the area of the circular end, and the only other number you need in order to calculate the cylinder's volume is its straight length.

How do you find the volume of a cylinder when given the diameter?

Stand it on a circular end, like a tin can standing on a shelf.Its volume is the area of its circular base, multiplied by its height.Another Answser:To answer the specific question, you can not find the volume of a cylinder when given only its diameter. You need also its length.

Calculate the volume of a cylinder?

Volume of a cylinder = (pi) x (radius of the end)2 x (length)

How do you calulate the volume of a cylinder?

Volume of a cylinder = (pi) x (radius of one round end)2 x (length or height)

What is the formula of volume of a cylinder?

The volume of a cylinder is:(pi) (R squared) (H)pi is roughly 3.1415R = the radius of the base (circular end) of the cylinderH = the height (length) of the cylinder

How do you work out the capacity of a cylindar?

The capacity of a cylinder is its volume which is the area of an end times the cylinder's length (height). If the cylinder has radius r and length h, its volume (capacity) is: {pi}r2h

What is the formula for calculating the volume of a sphere that has had a cylinder removed?

Although you said "cylinder," if you drill a hole through the center of a sphere, the shape of the volume you drill out is not a perfect cylinder. It looks more like a medicine capsule, a cylinder with convex end caps. The volume of a sphere = (4/3)*pi*r3, and the volume of a cylinder = pi*r2*h, where r is the radius and h is the height. So, the volume you're looking for is the volume of the sphere minus the volume of the cylinder minus the volume of the two end caps = (4/3)*pi*r3 - pi*r2*h - volume of the end caps. It requires calculus to determine the volume of the end caps. Keith Devlin of the Mathematical Association of America provides an outstanding explanation of this problem, including the computation of the end caps. See the nearby link. Keith's result is given as 4/3 * h^3. Should be 4/3 * pi * h^3. In other words, the same volume of a sphere of diameter h.

Volume of a cylinder 6 feet X 2700 feet?

If the end of the cylinder is a circle with a diameter of 6-ft, and the cylinder is 2700-ft long, then its volume is approx. 76,341 cubic ft (approx. 2162 cubic meters).

Diameter height length is given how to find volume of cylinder laid horizontally?

Whether a cylinder is laid horizontally, or standing vertically, it has the same volume.The volume of a cylinder is the 'square area' of the circle at the end, multiplied by its length/height.The area of a circle is Pi x diameter. (The inner diameter is probably best. The final calculation will then show the total internal volume in cubic units.)End area x length = volume.If the cylinder is laid horizontally, the distance between the ends would be called its length. If the cylinder is standing up, the distance between the ends is called its height.

Volume of a paper clip?

Think of a paper clip as a cylinder that has been bent into a specific shape. Determine the volume of the cylinder, and you have the volume of the paper clip. So, the area of the end of the cylinder x length of the cylinder = volume of the paper clip.

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First we must find the radius: Curved surface area of the cylinder excluding the two end pieces = 88 cm2 2*pi*radius*14 = 88 Divide both sides by 2*pi*14 radius = 1.000402499 cm Volume = pi*1.0004024992*14 Volume = 44.01770994 cubic cm