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If the initial velocity is v, at an angle x to the horizontal, then

the vertical component is v*sin(x) and the horizontal component is v*cos(x).

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Q: How do you find vertical and horizontal components when given the initial velocity?
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Will a ball drop rest reach the ground quicker than the one lunched from the same height but with and initial horizontal velocity?

No. What counts in this case is the vertical component of the velocity, and the initial vertical velocity is zero, one way or another.

If a ball rolls off the edge of a table two meters above the floor and with an initial velocity of 20 meters per second what is the ball's acceleration and velocity just before it hits the ground?

The horizontal velocity has no bearing on the time it takes for the ball to fall to the floor and, ignoring the effects of air resistance, will not change throughout the ball's fall, so you know Vx. The vertical velocity right before impact is easily calculated using the standard formula: d - d0 = V0t + [1/2]at2. For this problem, let's assume the floor represents zero height, so the initial height, d0, is 2. Further, substitute -g for a and assume an initial vertical velocity of zero, which changes our equation to 0 - 2 = 0t - [1/2]gt2. Now, solve for t. That gives you the time it takes for the ball to hit the floor. If you divide the distance traveled by that time, you know the average vertical velocity of the ball. Double that, and you have the final vertical velocity! (Do you know why?) Now do the vector addition of the vertical velocity and the horizontal velocity. Remember, the vertical velocity is negative!

How to find the height of the projectile launch if the angle velocity and the distance are given?

Get the value of initial velocity. Get the angle of projection. Break initial velocity into components along x and y axis. Apply the equation of motion .

Can the effect of initial velocity on final velocity be predicted?

Well, (final velocity) = (initial velocity) + (acceleration x time)

Is initial velocity y the same for an angled launch and a horizontal launch if you use the same projectile launcher?

Yes. They will both initially be moving at the same speed.

Related questions

Is it true that the vertical component of the projectile motion of an object depend on initial velocity only?

Yes, in projectile motion, the vertical component of motion is influenced by the initial velocity in the vertical direction. The horizontal and vertical components of motion are independent of each other, with the horizontal component being influenced by the initial velocity in the horizontal direction.

What is the initial direction on the projectile's velocity?

The initial direction of a projectile's velocity is typically determined by the angle at which it is launched relative to the horizontal plane. This angle will influence both the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity.

What is the relationship between the horizontal and vertical components of velocity for a projectile launched at an angle between 0 and deg and 90 and deg?

The horizontal and vertical components of velocity for a projectile launched at an angle between 0 and 90 degrees are independent of each other. The horizontal velocity remains constant throughout the motion, while the vertical velocity changes due to the effect of gravity. The initial velocity of the projectile is divided into these two components based on the launch angle.

The horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity of a tennis ball are 18.2 ms and 21.3 ms respectively what is the magnitude of the initial velocity of the ball?

The magnitude of the initial velocity can be found using the Pythagorean theorem: square root of (horizontal velocity^2 + vertical velocity^2) = square root of (18.2^2 + 21.3^2) = square root of (330.28 + 454.69) = square root of 784.97 ≈ 28.0 m/s.

What are two key components of a projectiles motion?

Two key components of a projectile's motion are its horizontal motion and vertical motion. The horizontal motion is constant and determined by the initial velocity, while the vertical motion is influenced by gravity, causing the projectile to travel in a curved path.

In projectile motion What Angle would horizontal and vertical distance be equal?

In projectile motion, the horizontal distance will be at its maximum when the angle is 45 degrees. At this angle, the vertical and horizontal components of the initial velocity are equal, resulting in maximum range.

How does angle of projection affect the maximum height?

The angle of projection affects the maximum height by determining the vertical and horizontal components of the initial velocity. At 90 degrees (vertical), all the initial velocity is vertical which results in maximum height. As the angle decreases from 90 degrees, the vertical component decreases, leading to a lower maximum height.

If a basketball player throws a ball from 2.0m in the air towards the hoop 10m away If the hoop is 3.05m off the ground and the initial angle is 40 degrees what is the initial velocity?

The initial velocity of the ball can be calculated using the kinematic equation for projectile motion. By using the vertical component of velocity (V0y) and the time of flight, we can determine the initial velocity needed for the ball to reach the hoop. The velocity components are V0x = V0 * cos(θ) and V0y = V0 * sin(θ), where θ is the initial angle. The time of flight in this case is determined by the vertical motion of the ball, and it can be found by using the equation of motion for the vertical direction, considering the initial vertical velocity, the gravitational acceleration, and the vertical displacement of the ball. Once these values are calculated, the initial velocity can be computed by combining the horizontal and vertical components of the motion.

Where A Particle Is Projected Along A Linear Plane. The Horizontal Component Of The Velocity Is Twice The Vertical Component What Is The Initial Magnitude Of The Velocity And The Angle At Which It Is?

The initial magnitude of the velocity is sqrt(5) times the horizontal component. This results in a velocity vector that is inclined at an angle of arctan(2) ≈ 63.43 degrees with respect to the horizontal.

Will a ball drop rest reach the ground quicker than the one lunched from the same height but with and initial horizontal velocity?

No. What counts in this case is the vertical component of the velocity, and the initial vertical velocity is zero, one way or another.

A player kicks a soccer ball from ground level and sends it flying at an angle of 30 degrees?


How is the horizontal component of velocity for a projectile affected by the vertical component?

The horizontal component of velocity for a projectile is not affected by the vertical component. They are independent of each other. The horizontal velocity remains constant as long as there are no external forces acting on the projectile.