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Q: How do you know when you have a no real solution?
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Dude I don't know keep it real

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Does solution means the answer for real'?

No. Solution is another word for answer

Is a fraction a real solution or a non-real solution in algebra?

A fraction is just a number. It's as real as any whole number (or decimal).

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The answer is 8.5, which is one solution and real.

What is the discriminant and how is it used to solve equations using the quadratic formula?

It is not to solve so much as to see the number of solutions and whether there is a real solution to the equation. b2 - 4(a)(c) A positive answer = two real solutions. A negative answer = no real solution ( complex solution i ) If zero as the answer there is one real solution.

When real numbers fails to provide solution?

When real numbers fail to provide a solution there is no real solution - its as simple as that! There is no integer solution for 2x = 3. To find a solution you need to extend the domain to rational numbers. There is no rational number solution to x^2 = 2, so you need to extend to the real numbers. For some equations that do not have a real solution, for example, x^2 + 1 = 0, there are solutions if the domain is extended to the complex field. x + 2 = x - 2 has no real solution nor a complex solution. However, it does have a solution in modulo 4 arithmetic. But in that case the original equation should have said so. When seeking a solution to an equation, it is customary to define the domain in which the answer (if any) may be found. - unless the context makes the domain clear.

What is the difference between a real number and a no solution answer?

For solving a quadratic, you mean? Well, if you have real solutions you know that your quadratic has real numbers that make f(x) equal 0. For example, the quadratic f(x) = x^2 - x - 6 has -2 and 3 for solutions, because if you put in either of those two numbers for x, you get 0.I don't know how far along in your math career you are, but there aren't really any quadratics with no solutions, just with no real solutions. Some quadratics require you to take the square root of a negative number to get a solution, which is acceptable, it's just not a real solution anymore.

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what is the solution for a good nutrition

Is perfume a solution or pure substance?

it is not pure neither is it a REAL is an aerosol

What is the solution to x2 plus 7x plus 14 equals 0?

You should be able to look at this equation, or use the discriminant and know that there are no real roots.

What is the motto of ABeam Consulting?

The motto of ABeam Consulting is 'Real people, Real solution, Real Results.'.