If you mean with inequalities: 1. Change the inequality into an equation.2. Solve the equation for the initial line.3. Look back to the inequality.a.) greater than or equal to-shade above or to the left of your line,this line should be solidb.) greater than-shade above or to the left of your line,this line should not be solidc.) less than or equal to-shade below or to the right of your line,this line should be solidd.) less than-shade below or to the right of your line,this line should not be solidHope this helps.
The less than (<) or greater than (>) symbol has been deleted from the question, but the answer is the same: Draw the line y=1 (which is a horizontal line cutting the y axis at 1) and then shade the appropriate side - above for y ≥ 1, below for y ≤ 1. For example, y ≥ 1: ././././././.|./././././. /././././././|/./././././ ././././././+ 3 ./././. /././././././|/./././././ ././././././+ 2 ./././. /././././././|/./././././ --------+ 1 ----- .............|........... --------+------- .............|........... ............+ -1...... .............|...........
To shade the upper region of a line means the inequality has a greater than value while shading the lower region means the inequality has a less than value.
The same way as a slope equation. Once you have it solved, and the y is to the left, if it is greater than, the shade goes up. If it is less than, the shade goes down.
point on the number line is greater than 0 but less than 2 = 1
If you mean with inequalities: 1. Change the inequality into an equation.2. Solve the equation for the initial line.3. Look back to the inequality.a.) greater than or equal to-shade above or to the left of your line,this line should be solidb.) greater than-shade above or to the left of your line,this line should not be solidc.) less than or equal to-shade below or to the right of your line,this line should be solidd.) less than-shade below or to the right of your line,this line should not be solidHope this helps.
Less than (<) Greater than (>) Equal to (=) Greater than or equal to (> but it has another horizontal line under it) Less than or equal to (< but it has another horizontal line under it) Not Equal to (= but with a / through it)
The line must be solid if the inequality is strict (less than or greater than). It must be a dashed line if otherwise (less than or equal to, greater than or equal to).
Draw the line x = -1 which is a vertical line (parallel to the y-axis) that goes through (-1 , 0) Shade the side to the left of it as those numbers are less than -1.
> with a horizontal line underneath to remember which one is less i always turn this one < round to make an L for less than
Arrange the inequality so that the variable is on the left. ex x < 7 If not equal to put an open circle at the number (7 in my example) if less than shade the number line to the left ( less than = shade left) if greater than shade right. If equal to put a point ( shaded dot) on the number follow same rules for shading
If it is 'less than' or 'greater than' or 'not equal' then use an open circle.If it is 'less than or equal to' or 'greater than or equal' then use the shaded circle.
You go left three and make a dotted line straight up and down and shade to the left.
The less than (<) or greater than (>) symbol has been deleted from the question, but the answer is the same: Draw the line y=1 (which is a horizontal line cutting the y axis at 1) and then shade the appropriate side - above for y ≥ 1, below for y ≤ 1. For example, y ≥ 1: ././././././.|./././././. /././././././|/./././././ ././././././+ 3 ./././. /././././././|/./././././ ././././././+ 2 ./././. /././././././|/./././././ --------+ 1 ----- .............|........... --------+------- .............|........... ............+ -1...... .............|...........
x>2, you use an open circle above the #2 and shade to the right. If the equation was greater than or equal to 2, you would use a closed circle and shade to the right! Less than 2 would use the open circle to not include 2 and you would shade all numbers to the left of 2. Less than or equal to 2, solid circle which includes #2 and shade all #'s to the left of 2!
Shade upward if the inequality involves a "greater than" comparison. Shade downward if the inequality involves a "less than" comparison.