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Q: How do you simplify fraction to whole number complex fractions?
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What is simple fraction?

A simple fraction is a fraction that is a whole number divided by a whole number. Complex fractions can have fractions inside of fractions.

How can you simplify a complex fraction?

Multiply top and bottom by the complex conjugate of the bottom complex number; this will make the bottom complex number into a real number which can then be made into fractions and simplified with the real part and the imaginary part (the multiplier of i [√-1]) of the multiplied out top number.

How do you change fraction to a mixed number?

You do the numerator divided by the denominator, then simplify the fractions if you can. (this is how you change a improper fraction to a mixed number, you cannot change a proper fraction to a mixed number)

How do you simplify when its just one number in fractions?

A fraction always has one number on top (the numerator), and another number on the bottom (the denominator). If it doesn't have both of those, then it's not a fraction.

Can you simplify a irregular number?

To simplify irregular numbers, or improper fractions, you divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). For example, if you had the fraction 21/7, the simplified number would be 3. If you had the fraction 23/7, the answer would be 3 2/7.

How does a complex fraction differ from other types of fractions?

It does not, except that the fraction is a number in the complex field rather than real numbers.It does not, except that the fraction is a number in the complex field rather than real numbers.It does not, except that the fraction is a number in the complex field rather than real numbers.It does not, except that the fraction is a number in the complex field rather than real numbers.

What is a fraction tht has a numerator and a denominator or both?

Complex fraction Complex fraction - A complex fraction is a fraction where the numerator and/or denominator are a fraction. Decimal - A decimal is a number based on the number 10. It can be thought of as a special type of fraction where the denominator is a power of 10. Decimal point - A period or dot that is part of a decimal number.

How do you simplify the number 13?

You can simplify fractions, sometimes, but you can never simplify whole numbers.

Which faction pair are equivalent to three ninths?

First, simplify this fraction to simplest terms. That will give you one equivalent fraction. If you want additional equivalent fractions, multiplying numerator and denominator by the same number will give you additional equivalent fractions.

Are fractions a real number?

Fractions can be real, imaginary, or complex. In your case, we're willing to bet that any fraction that you've ever encountered so far has been a real number.

How can you simplify fraction?

To simplify a fraction, you find a number that can be divided by the fraction you are simplifying. sometimes this does not always work and the fraction can not be simplified.

What is a vulgar fraction?

A fraction written with an integer numerator placed over a (nonzero) integer denominator is called a vulgar fraction. Vulgar fractions are also known as common fractions or simple fractions. Examples are 2/5 and 7/3. In those examples, the numerators are 2 and 7, the denominators are 5 and 3, all of which are integers. Simple/common/vulgar fractions are distinguished from compound fractions, from complex fractions, from mixed numerals, from decimal fractions, and from irrational fractions. Examples of fractions that are not common fractions are: * 0.75 -- decimal fraction * (3/4) / 2 -- complex fraction * (3/4) / (2/3) -- complex fraction * (1 1/2) / 2 -- complex fraction with mixed numeral in numerator * 3/4 of 5/7 -- compound fraction * 75% --- which equals 75/100, but written as a percent, it has neither a numerator nor a denominator * pi/4 -- irrational fraction. The distinction between common fractions and fractions that are not common is NOT the same as the distinction between proper fractions and improper fractions (which is explained below, but which is not needed to understand what a common fraction is). Common fractions can be either proper or improper. ------ If the absolute value of the numerator (the number on top) is less than the absolute value of the denominator (the number on the bottom) the fraction is called a PROPER fraction.. Examples are 2/3 and and -2/5. If the absolute value of the numerator is greater than the absolute value of the denominator (the number on the bottom) the fraction is called IMPROPER. Examples are 3/2 and and -5/2. Improper fractions can be converted to a mixed numeral, that is, an integer plus a fraction. For example 7/3 is equal to 2 1/3.