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Solve it as you would normally. I could help if I had the equation. :)

Fractions don't really change much; they just make the problem look more difficult.

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Q: How do you solve a equation in standard form when it has a fraction in it?
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Solve the equation for ' y '.

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Standard Form

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To be able to write the equation of a line in standard form. In particular, our book would not have cleared the fraction.

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How do you write 0.0008 in standard form?

It is: 8.0*10^-4 in standard form or scientific notation

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Here is how you solve this. You call your number "x", and write:x = 0.5454... 100x = 54.5454... Then you subtract the first equation from the second, and solve the resulting equation for "x". This will give you "x" as a fraction. Simplify as appropriate.

What must be true about a quadratic equation before solve it?

That depends how you plan to solve it - there are several methods. But usually you would start by arranging the equation in "standard form", meaning that on the right of the equal sign, you only have zero.

What is standard form linear equation's?

A standard form of a linear equation would be: ax + by = c

What equation do you get when you solve 2x plus 3y 12 for y?

If you solve such an equation for "y", you get an equation in the slope-intercept form.

How do you solve 3x-2y equals 4 in standard form?

You cannot solve a single linear equation in two variables, x and y. You need two independent equations.

How do you find the slope of the line if the equation is in standard form?

There is more than one "standard form". If the equation is not already solved for "y", solve it for "y". In that case, you'll get an equation of the following form (known as "slope-intercept form"): y = mx + b Where "m" is the slope of the line, and "b" is the y-intercept (the point where the line intercepts the y-axis).

How do you find the variable in fraction equation?

It depends on the form of the equation.