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The question contains an algebraic expression but there is no equation to solve.

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Q: How do you solve the equation 7 plus 4y -5?
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Solve the inequality -4y plus 6 is less than -14?

so = -4y < -20 making y < 5

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2x + 6y = 93x - 12y = 15Chose the second equation because you can simplify it.3x - 12y = 15 divide by 3 to both sidesx - 4y = 5 add 4y to both sidesx = 4y + 5Replace 4y + 5 for x to the first equation.2x + 6y = 92(4y + 5) + 6y = 98y + 10 + 6y = 914y = -1y = -1/14x = 4y + 5x = 4(-1/14) + 5x = -2/7 + 5x = -2/7 + 35/7x = 33/7

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5x+4y = -3 4y = -5x-3 y = -5/4 x - 3 Slope is -5/4.

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5x+4y = 20 4y = -5x+20 y = -5/4x+5 Therefore: slope is -5/4 and intercept is 5

What is 3x-4y-5 solve for x?

The given expression has no solution because without an equality sign it is not an equation.

X plus 2y equals 11 3x-4y equals -17?

This is a system of two linear equations: x+2y=11 3x-4y=-17 One way to solve this system is to solve for x (or y) in the first equation and then plug it into the second equation to solve for the other variable, which then allows us to solve for our original variable. (1) Take the first equation and solve for x: x=11-2y (2) Plug this value into the second equation: 3x-4y=3(11-2y)-4y=33-10y=-17. We see that y=5. (3) We now plug this into either equation to solve for x: From (1): x=11-2y=11-2(5)=1 We get x=1 and y=5. It's also always a good idea to plug the numbers we found into our original two equations to verify they work. Indeed, x+2y=1+2(5)=1+10=11, and 3x-4y=3(1)-4(5)=3-20=-17.

What is the equation parallel to 3x -4y plus 7 equals 0 and passing through a point 5 4 on the line?

The parallel equation works out as: 4y = 3x+1 which can be expressed in the form of 3x-4y+1 = 0

How do you write 8x plus 4y equals 5?

8x plus 4y equals 5 is 8x + 4y = 5.

4y-7 plus 2y equals 24-1?

To solve the equation, we need to combine like terms on both sides. On the left side, 4y + 2y can be simplified to 6y. On the right side, 24 - 1 simplifies to 23. Therefore, the equation can be written as 6y - 7 = 23.

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2x + 5 - 5 = 2x. You can not solve for x because this is not an equation.

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x = 5, y = -1