There are several different methods of solution for a vat question.
The best one to choose really depends on what the question is.
Showing the question would help to solve it.
by finding the way to solve your question..
You cannot solve a dodecahedron since it is not a question or a puzzle!
You cannot solve probability since it is not a question! It is like asking how you can solve history!
It means to have a question and to figure it out to solve the question.
Showing the question would help to solve it.
The value added tax (VAT) in Israel is currently at 18%. This the standard rate and is used on most goods or services, imported or not.
The types of VAT........ 1 ) INPUT VAT @ 4 % 2 ) INPUT VAT @ 1 % 3 ) INPUT VAT @ 12.5 % 4 ) OUTPUT VAT @ 1 % 5 ) OUTPUT VAT @ 4 % 6 ) OUTPUT VAT @ 12.5 %
There is no such term as gross of VAT. The amount with VAT is called the gross amount while the net of VAT is the amount after the VAT has been deducted.
VAT that is charged by a business and paid by its customers is known as "output VAT" (that is, VAT on its output supplies). VAT that is paid by a business to other businesses on the supplies that it receives is known as "input VAT
vat exclusive
no. because when customer is notpaing vat only he have vat exwmption only/
If the 545 is inclusive of VAT then the VAT element is 71.08, however if the 545 is exclusive of VAT then the VAT would be 81.75
Depends on what the question is.
solve means workout the answer to a math question
That depends what you want to solve - what is the exact question.