These are synonymous terms, but you would use the latter to sound more erudite.
The independent variable explains .32*100 percent of the variance in the dependent variable.This is 9%.The explainable variance is always the square of the correlation (r).
Correlation analysis is the relationship of two values. When two items are similar, they will have a high correlation. Should they differ, they will be much lower in variables.
The differ in their mean and variance. The mean determines how far left or right they are along the variable axis (the x axis). The variance determines how narrow or wide the so-called bell shape is.
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The independent variable explains .32*100 percent of the variance in the dependent variable.This is 9%.The explainable variance is always the square of the correlation (r).
Correlation analysis is the relationship of two values. When two items are similar, they will have a high correlation. Should they differ, they will be much lower in variables.
Variance is variability and diversity of security from average mean and expected value Variance = standard deviation fo security * co relation (r) devided by standanrd deviation of sensex
Correlation has no effect on linear transformations.
The differ in their mean and variance. The mean determines how far left or right they are along the variable axis (the x axis). The variance determines how narrow or wide the so-called bell shape is.
The correlation coefficient is unaffected by change of origin or scale unless one of the sets of variables is multiplied by a negative term, in which case the correlation coefficient will become negative.
You can concluded that the correlation is positive.