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Q: How is comparing the mass of objects different from comparing their colors?
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What measures mass by comparing the weight of two objects?

Scales or balances

Does it matter to have equal volume when comparing density?

No, it does not matter to have equal volume when comparing density. Density is an intrinsic property of a substance and is defined as mass per unit volume. Comparing densities is independent of the volume of the samples being compared.

Why different objects have different masses?

Objects have different mass because they not weighted the same..

A device that works by comparing the mass of an object to a known mass is called?

A device that works by comparing the mass of an object to a known mass is called a balance or a weighing scale. This type of device is commonly used in laboratories, industries, and households to measure the mass of objects accurately.

Why do objects have different mass?

Objects have different mass due to the amount of matter they contain. Mass is a measure of the total amount of material within an object, which can vary depending on factors such as size, density, and composition. Heavier objects have more mass because they contain more matter, while lighter objects have less mass because they contain less matter.

What would cause objects that have the same mass to have different amounts of inertia?

Different velocities is what causes objects to have the same mass and different amounts of inertia. This can be written in a formula.

What would cause objects that have the same mass to have different amounts of intertia?

If the objects have different velocities they will have different inertia.

Why can two objects with the same mass have different densities?

Volume. Density depends on mass and volume. Density = mass/volume. Things that have the exact same mass can have different densities if the volume associated with either are different.

Who found (discovered) that objects of different mass and weight fall at the same rate?

Who found (discovered) that objects of different mass and weight fall at the same rate

Is it true two objects with the same mass will always have the same momentum?

No, two objects with the same mass will not always have the same momentum. Momentum is a vector quantity that depends on both mass and velocity. If the objects are moving at different speeds, they will have different momenta even if they have the same mass.

How does gravity pull objects through different states of matter?

All the objects have mass and

How can you tell if one object has more mass than another?

You can tell if one object has more mass than another by comparing their weights. The object with a greater weight typically has more mass. You can also compare the density of the objects - denser objects usually have more mass.