It is easier to simply add two one-digit numbers than to mess about with estimation!
By using front end estimation, the numbers that you start of with have only one significant digit. It is, therefore, nonsense to have an answer with loads of significant digits.
Frond end estimation.
3 digit numbers are lessthan 4 digit numbers
to do it the long way do it by long division to do it the short way put it in the calculator 2 digits numbers are just the numbers between10-99 and one digits numbers are just the numbers between 0-9.
It is easier to simply add two one-digit numbers than to mess about with estimation!
By using front end estimation, the numbers that you start of with have only one significant digit. It is, therefore, nonsense to have an answer with loads of significant digits.
It is front-end estimation.
Frond end estimation.
No You Divide All The 3 numbers by the two and do the math and that's your answer.
3 digit numbers are lessthan 4 digit numbers
to do it the long way do it by long division to do it the short way put it in the calculator 2 digits numbers are just the numbers between10-99 and one digits numbers are just the numbers between 0-9.
Find the quotient
You look at the place value.
In the highest place value.