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The motor provides energy at the rate of 7500 Joules each second.

The energy needed to raise the piano = mass of the piano x acceleration due to gravity x height = 500 x 9.81 x 1000 = 4.905 x 106 Joules

time taken = 4.905 x 106 / 7500 = 654 seconds

So, it would take around 11 minutes.

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Q: How long would it take a 7.5 kW motor to raise a 500 kg piano to an apartment window 1000 meters above the ground?
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A ball is thrown horizontally from a cliff and hits the ground 4 seconds later 40 meters from the base of the cliff?

The ball was thrown horizontally at 10 meters per sec, and the thrower's arm was 78.4 meters above the base of the cliff.

How many minutes will it take two balloons to meet if a balloon 10 meters above the ground and rising 15 meters per minute and a balloon 150 meters above the ground descending at 20 meters per minute?

The two balloons are 150-10 = 140 metres apart. They are travelling towards each other at a speed of 15+20 = 35 metres per minute. 140 m at 35 m/minute takes 140/35 = 4 minutes.

A rabbit falls in a dry well 30 meters deep when she tries to climb out she goes up 3 meters than falls back 2 meters how many days will it take her to get out?

At the end of the first day she is (3 - 2) = 1 meter above the bottom.At the end of the second day she is [ 1 + (3 - 2) ] = 2 meters above the bottom.At the end of the third day, she is [ 2 + (3 - 2) ] = 3 meters above the bottom....At the end of the 28th day she is 28 meters above the bottom, assuming she hasn't starved to death yet.During the 29th day, she is in the process of climbing up 3 meters, when she reaches the top and flops outonto the ground. This happens at some time during the 29th day.

What is the gravitational potential energy equation?

Gravitational potential energy = Mass x gravity x heightTherefore, an object at ground level is 0 meters above the ground, thus having no potential energy.PE = mghm = massg = gravitational accelerationh = height

A rabbit falls in a dry well 30 meters deep when she tries to climb out she goes up 3 meters than falls back 2 meters she stops where is for the day and start how many days will it take her to get out?

At the end of the first day she is (3 - 2) = 1 meter above the bottom.At the end of the second day she is [ 1 + (3 - 2) ] = 2 meters above the bottom.At the end of the third day, she is [ 2 + (3 - 2) ] = 3 meters above the bottom....At the end of the 28th day she is 28 meters above the bottom, assuming she hasn't starved to death yet.During the 29th day, she is in the process of climbing up 3 meters, when she reaches the top and flops outonto the ground. This happens at some time during the 29th day.===============================================Another contributor says:The Answer is 28 days not 29. The rabbitt would come out on the 28 day.

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