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Q: How many 6 number combination are there when each digit is 0-9?
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16 times

What are the 100000 number combinations you can make using 0 - 9?

The question is incorrect since there are 210 - 1 possible combinations. The digit 0 can be in the combination or out. That gives 2 ways. With each, the digit 1 can be in the combination or out - 2*2 = 22 ways. With each, the digit 2 can be in the combination or out = 23 ways. With each, the digit 3 can be in the combination or out = 24 ways. etc. So 210 ways in all except that one of them is the null combination. Now 210 = 1024 so there are only 1023 combinations. If, instead, you allow the digits to be used many times, there is no limit to the number of combinations.

How many 6 digit combinations of 102478 using each number once?

Only 1. In a combination, the order of the numbers does not matter. So 102478 is the same combination as 104782 or 407812 etc.

How many combinations are there in a seven digit phone number?

There is only one combination. There are many permutations, though.

A combination lock on a suitcase has 5 wheels each labeled with digits 1 to 8 How many 5 digit combination lock codes are possible if no digit can be repeated?

6,720 combinations.

For her bicycle Lisa has a chain and a combination lock that has a 4-digit combination where each digit can range from 0 - 9 If adjacent digits must be different how many possible combinations can?


How many combinations are in a 5 digit number where all digits are distinct and nonzero?

There are 126 different 5 digit combinations. Note that the combination 12345 is the same as the combination 45312.

How many combinations of three digits can be made using each digit only once in each combination?

You have a three digit number that can only use each digit once in combination. Therefore, a number like 456 is acceptable, but 455 or 101 or 222 is not acceptable. I think you can solve the problem in the following manner. There are 10 possible digits (0-9) that can be used in the first number. For the second number there are only 9 possible since you cannot repeat one of the first. For the third number there are only 8 possible since again you cannot repeat any of the first two. You multiply the possibilities for each digit to get our answer. 10 * 9 * 8 = 720 There are 720 possible combinations.

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How many combinations are there for a 8 digit number 1-8?

Using the eight digits, 1 - 8 ,-- There are 40,320 eight-digit permutations.-- There is 1 eight-digit combination.

How many 3 digit numbers can be formed from 3769 if each digit is used only once?

Choose from 4 for the first number, 3 for the second number, and 2 for the third number. Therefore there are 4*3*2 = 24 three digit numbers can be formed from 3769 if each digit is used only once.

How many possible 4 digit combinations are possible without using the same number more than once?

5,040Assuming that the combination uses ALL single digits from 0 to 9, then for the first digit you will be able to use all 10 numbers, for the second digit you will be able to use 9, for the third digit 8 and for the last digit 7, giving a total number of combinations of 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 = 5,040 without the same number being used more than once in each combination.