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Q: How many binary values can be stored in an 8 bit register?
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How many values are possible using a single binary digit?

Answer: 2The values are 0 or 1.

How many unique values are possible using a single binary digit?

Answer: 2The values are 0 or 1.

How many different values can be represented in 6 binary digits?

64 or 123

6 How many values does a binary digit bit have?

It can have 0 to 1 It can have 0 to 1

How many different values can be represented by 2 binary digits?

4 these are 00,01,10 and 11...

How many different values can be stored in 16 bits?


How many different values can be represented by 4 binary digits?

24, or 16 (0 through 15) One binary digit (bit) can have 21 values (0 or 1). Two bits can have 22 values. Three bits can have 23 values. A five-bit number can have 25 values... and so on...

How many register in computer?

There are 14 Regiters in the computer where data is stored which is currently being process

How many different values can be stored in 1 bit?

0 o 1

What is the number of different states that can be stored in the 16 bits register?

Texas is too big, but you can fit in a Ohio, Maryland, and part of West Virginia. But seriously though...I am assuming that you mean "how many unique combinations of 1's and 0's can be stored in a 16 bit register." The answer is given as 2 (the number of different possibilities per digit) raised to the power of 16. The answer is 65536, made up of 0 through 65535. An 8 bit register can represent 256 different values, 0 through 255.

How do you count all structurally different possible Binary Trees?

please tell me answer of this question. Suppose you are building an N node binary search tree with the values 1...N. how many structurally different binary trees is there that store those values? write a recursive function that, gives the number of distinct values, computes the number of structurally unique binary search trees that store those values. For example, countTrees(4) should return 14, since there are 14 structurally unique binary search trees that store 1,2,3 and 4. The base case us easy, and the recursion is short but dense. your code should not construct any actual trees; it's just a counting problem.