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Q: How many combination of 3 numbers out of 5 numbers?
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How many combinations are there with 5 numbers?

5*4*3*2*1 = 120 combinations. * * * * * No. The previous answerer has confused permutations and combinations. There are only 25 = 32 combinations including the null combinations. There is 1 combination of all 5 numbers There are 5 combinations of 4 numbers out of 5 There are 10 combinations of 3 numbers out of 5 There are 10 combinations of 2 numbers out of 5 There are 5 combinations of 1 numbers out of 5 There is 1 combination of no 5 numbers 32 in all, or 31 if you want to disallow the null combination.

How many combinations of 3 numbers are there in 100?

100=2*2*5*5 so only 1 combination of 3 nos. r der

If there are 59 numbers and 5 numbers can be drawn how many combination are there?

Number of combinations = 59*58*57*56*55/(5*4*3*2*1) = 5006386.

How many 6 digit combinations can be made from numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6?

Just the one. The order of the numbers does not matter in a combination so that 123456 is the same combination as 245136.

How many different combinations of 5 numbers 5 number combination?

120 WRONG! That is the number of PERMUTATIONS. In the case of combinations, the order of the numbers does not matter, so there is only 1 5-number combination from 5 numbers.

How many different 4 digit combinations are there for numbers 12 3 4 5 and last numbers are 4 5 no restrictions they can repeat?

This question does not make sense since a combination is independent of the order of its elements. That is, the combinations 1245 and 5142 are the same. Consequently, there can be no "last " numbers in a combination.

How many combinations are there in 39 numbers?

It depends on how many numbers are in each combination. If there are 5 numbers in each combination, then you have 575,757 possibilities. If there are 2 in each combination, there you have 741 possibilities. If there's only 1 number in each combination, then there are only 39 possibilities.

How many combinations of 3 out of 6 numbers?

6 over 3, or 6 combination 3, is calculated as (6 x 5 x 4) / (1 x 2 x 3).

How many 3 digit numbers can you make using the digits 1 3 5 and 7 by using the digits more than once?

Using the combination C(4,3) I got the answer 24. Its either a combination or a permutation.

How many different 5 digit numbers can you make with the numbers 2 3 4 5 6?

about... 25 just take 5 numbers times 5 numbers

How many 3-d How many 3-digit numbers will be there which are divisible by 19igit numbers with atleast one 5 in their digits?

None. 3 digit numbers are not divisible by 19 digit numbers.

What is the average of 2 5 and 8?

5 + 8 + 2 = 15. 15 / 3 = 5 All you have to do is add the numbers, then divide the answer by how many numbers you added.