The number of combinations of six numbers that can be made from seven numbers will depend on if you can repeat numbers. In all there are over 2,000 different numbers that can be made.
506 = 15,625 million
If they can repeat, then: 17^6=24,137,569 If they can't repeat, then: 17*16*15*14*13*12=8,910,720
There are 10 choices for the first number, 9 for the second and 8 for the third. 10*9*8=720 possible combinations.
There are 74,974,368 combinations.There are 59C6 = 45,057,474 combinations with 6 different numbers.There are 59C5 = 5,006,386 combinations with 5 different numbers. One of these needs to be duplicated and the one to be duplicated can be chosen in one of 5 ways so there are 25,031,930 of these.There are 59C4 = 455,126 combinations with 4 different numbers. Either one of them appears three times or two are doubled. That can be done in 10 ways so there are 4,551,260 of these.There are 59C3 = 32,509 combinations with 3 different numbers. Either one of them appears 4 times, or one twice and another three times, or all three appear twice. That can be done in 10 ways so there are 325,090 of these.There are 59C2 = 1,711 combinations with 2 different numbers. Either one of them appears 5 times, or one twice and another four times, or both three times. That can be done in 5 ways so there are 8,555 of these.There are 59C1 = 59 combinations with just 1 number, repeated six times so there are 59 of these.Add these together.
If you can repeat the numbers within the combination there are 10,000 different combinations. If you cannot repeat the numbers within the combination, there are 5040 different combinations.
The number of combinations of six numbers that can be made from seven numbers will depend on if you can repeat numbers. In all there are over 2,000 different numbers that can be made.
If the numbers are allowed to repeat, then there are six to the fourth power possible combinations, or 1296. If they are not allowed to repeat then there are only 360 combinations.
506 = 15,625 million
36^36 (36 * 36 * 36 * 36 * 36 *...)
The rearrangement of 5 figure numbers will be 5x4x3x2x1 which is 120 combinations, when you don't repeat a number.
The first digit can be one of five integers (1 to 5) The second - fourth digits one of six integers (0 to 5). So: number of (valid) combinations is 5*6*6*6=1080 * * * * * This gives the number of permutations, not combinations. I am working on the latter.
If they can repeat, then: 17^6=24,137,569 If they can't repeat, then: 17*16*15*14*13*12=8,910,720
10P4 = 5040
120 combinations using each digit once per combination. There are 625 combinations if you can repeat the digits.
There are just 5,005.There are 10C6 = 210 combinations with 6 different numbers.There are 10C5 = 252 combinations with 5 different numbers. One of these needs to be duplicated and the one to be duplicated can be chosen in 5 ways so there are 1260 of these.There are 10C4 = 210 combinations with 4 different numbers. Either one of them appears three times or two are doubled. That can be done in 10 ways so there are 2,100 of these.There are 10C3 = 120 combinations with 3 different numbers. Either one of them appears 4 times, or one twice and another three times, or all three appear twice. That can be done in 10 ways so there are 1,200 of these.There are 10C2 = 45 combinations with 2 different numbers. Either one of them appears 5 times, or one twice and another four times, or both three times. That can be done in 5 ways so there are 225 of these.There are 10C1 = 10 combinations with just 1 number repeated six times.Add these together.