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10,000 x 26^3.

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Q: How many combination with 4 digits and 3 letters?
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How many digits in an airline code?

3 letters

How many passwords can be made from 3 letters followed by 3 digits if no letter or digit can be used more than once?

3!*3!=36For example, if you want to use the alphabets a,b,c and three digits 1,2,3 you can make the following 36 different passwords (3 letters followed by 3 digits)abc123abc132abc231abc213abc312abc321acb123acb132acb231acb213acb312acb321bca123bca132bca231bca213bca312bca321bac123bac132bac231bac213bac312bac321cab123cab132cab231cab213cab312cab321cba123cba132cab231cab213cab312cab321

How many license plate combination are possible if you can use 3 letters and 2 digits?

This depends on if you want repeats or not (or the state you are in) with repeats it is: 26x26x26x10x10= 1,757,600 without repeats it is: 26x25x24x10x9=1,560,000

How many 3 letter and 3-digit license plates can Uncle Pennybags make with no repeated digits or letters?


How many combinations can you get from a 3 digit code from 1 to 3?

Allowing repetitions, there are 9 combinations. Without repeated digits, there is only one combination of 3 digits from 3.

A License plate has 3 letters and 3 digits in that order A witness to a hit and run accident saw the first 2 two letters and last one digit If the digits and letters can be repeated?


How many license plate combinations from 3 digits followed by 3 letters?

There are 26 different letters that can be chosen for each letter. There are 10 different numbers that can be chosen for each number. Since each of the numbers/digits that can be chosen for each of the six "spots" are independent events, we can multiply these combinations using the multiplicative rule of probability.combinations = (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) = 10 * 10 * 10 * 26 * 26 * 26 = 103 * 263 = 1000 * 17576 = 17,576,000 different combinations.

How many number combination can be made with 3 digits?

You Can Create 999 Number combinations

How many 3 digit numbers can you make using the digits 1 3 5 and 7 by using the digits more than once?

Using the combination C(4,3) I got the answer 24. Its either a combination or a permutation.

What is the probability of arranging 3 letters followed by 3 digits?

The question is ambiguous. It is in complete.

How many permutations can you get with 3 letters and 3 digits in the following format AAA000 - ZZZ999?

The answer is 26*26*26*10*10*10 = 17,576,000

How many license plates with 3 decimal digits followed by 3 letters can you build if you are not allowed to repeat digits and you are not allowed to repeat letters?

3 decimal digits without repeats can form (10 x 9 x 8) = 720 distinct displays.For each of these . . .3 letters without repeats can form (26 x 25 x 24) = 15,600 distinct displays.Combine them on one plate, and there are (720) x (15,600) = 11,232,000 distinct displays available.