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10,000 - 0000,0001,0002...9999 Since there is a possible 10 digits for each of the 4 positions, the following formula can be used: 104 = 10,000

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Q: How many combinations are there for the last four digits of a phone number if any digit may be used in any position?
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If the 6 digits can be repeated, there are 1296 different combinations. If you cannot repeat digits in the combination there are 360 different combinations. * * * * * No. That is the number of PERMUTATIONS, not COMBINATIONS. If you have 6 different digits, you can make only 15 4-digit combinations from them.

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There is only one possible combination of a 13 digit number created from 13 digits. In a combination, the order of the digits does not matter so that 123 is the same as 132 or 312 etc. If there are 13 different digits (characters) there is 1 combination of 13 digits 13 combinations of 1 or of 12 digits 78 combinations of 2 or of 11 digits and so on There are 213 - 1 = 8191 in all. If the characters are not all different it is necessary to have more information.

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The number of possible 3 digit combinations you can make out of 1-9 with outrepeated digits is:9C3 = 9!/(3!(9-3)!) = 84

How many 5 digit combinations are there in six digits?

about 1,0000000000000

How many combinations are there for a 8 digit number 1-8?

Using the eight digits, 1 - 8 ,-- There are 40,320 eight-digit permutations.-- There is 1 eight-digit combination.

What is the number of possible 9 digit social security numbers if the digits can't be repeated?

9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 or 9! which equals 362880 possible combinations if no digits are repeated