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Q: How many different combinations of the letters M A T and H can be made if each letter is used once and only once?
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What is the total number of different four-letter arrangements that can be formed from the letters in the word vertical if each letter is used only once in an arrangement?

You have eight letters to work with, and can use any four of them, but only once per combination. That means that the total number of possible combinations you can make is: 8! / (8 - 4)! = 8! / 4! = 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 = 1680 So there are 1680 possible combinations.

How many 3 letter combinations are in ahtm?

There are four different groups of three, each of which can be arranged in six different ways so your answer is 24.

What are the number of different ways you can arrange the letters MORGAN?

The first letter can be any one of the 6 letters. For each of those . . .The second letter can be any one of the remaining 5 letters. For each of those . . .The third letter can be any one of the remaining 4 letters. For each of those . . .The fourth letter can be any one of the remaining 3 letters. For each of those . . .The fifth letter can be any one of the remaining 2 letters.The total number of different ways they can be arranged is (6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2) = 720 .

If you have 5 letters how many combinations can you make?

Suppose the 5 letters are A, B, C, D and E. The letter A can either be in the combination or not: 2 options for A. With each of these options, B can either be in the combination or not: 2 options for B - making 2*2 options so far. With each of the options so far, C can either be in the combination or not: 2 options for C - making 2*2*2 options so far. and so on. So for 5 letters there are 25 = 32 combinations. However, one of these is the combination that excludes each of the 5 letters - ie the null combination. Excluding the null combination gives the final answer of 31 combinations.

How many words of 6 letters can be written if the first and last letters are both q?

6 letters minus your 2 unchanging letters leaves you with 4 letters of any combination of 26 possible characters each. That is 26^4 26 to the 4th. 456976 different combinations. If you understand permutations I used the simple repeatable permutations formula x^n.

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There are 26 different letters that can be chosen for each letter. There are 10 different numbers that can be chosen for each number. Since each of the numbers/digits that can be chosen for each of the six "spots" are independent events, we can multiply these combinations using the multiplicative rule of probability.combinations = (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) = 10 * 10 * 10 * 26 * 26 * 26 = 103 * 263 = 1000 * 17576 = 17,576,000 different combinations.

How could you find the number of different combinations of six letters in a computer password?

When trying to work out how many different combinations there are, you need to know how many options there are for each value. If the password only contains lower case letters, then we have 26 options for each value. For each letter in the password, there are 26 options, so the total number of possible options is 26x26x26x26x26x26 or 266 This equals 308,915,776 so there are 308,915,776 possible different combinations of six letters.

A set of signs each standing for a single sound in a language?

Letters. Each letter is supposed to stand for its own sound. Sometimes in English different combinations change which sound the letter represents, but basically letters stand for a certain sound.

What letters were taken out of the spanish language in the 90's?

Ch (Che) Ll (Elle) Rr (Erre) These are now considered letter combinations. Up until this change the official Epanish alphabet had a different letter for each sound in the language. The Erre, Elle and Che letters were always letter combinations but they were taught as their own letter in school since they have a unique sound.

How many different combinations can be made from a combination of 3 letters and 3 nuimbers?

Taking this bit by bit... For each number there are 10 possibilities so three numbers has 10^3 which is 1000 for each letter there are 26 choices, so for three letters you have 26^3 which is 17576 together there are 17576 * 1000 options which makes 17576000 possible combinations of letters and numbers and I suspect that is what you want. However if the order of the combination is important you must take into account the position of each letter/number and remove duplicate combinations. Good luck with that

How many different license plates exist if each license plate contains 3 letters and 4 numbers and all four numbers are even?

384,475,000 license plates. There are 35 different letter/number combinations possible. Each combination has 10,985,000 variants. 35*10,985,000 = 384,475,000

How many four- letter combinations can be made from the the letters a b c d and e?

5. One each with one of the 5 letters left out: abcd, abce, abde, acde and bcde.

How many 3 letter combinations from 22 letters?

The first letter can be any one of 22. For each of these ...The second letter can be any one of the remaining 21. For each of these ...The third letter can be any one of the remaining 20.So the number of different 3-letter line-ups is (22 x 21 x 20) = 9,240.That's the answer if you care about the sequence of the letters, i.e. if you call ABC and ACB different.If you don't care about the order of the 3 letters ... if ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, and CBA are allthe same to you, then there are six ways to arrange each group of 3 different letters.Then the total number of different picks is (9,240/6) = 1,540.

What is the total number of different four-letter arrangements that can be formed from the letters in the word vertical if each letter is used only once in an arrangement?

You have eight letters to work with, and can use any four of them, but only once per combination. That means that the total number of possible combinations you can make is: 8! / (8 - 4)! = 8! / 4! = 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 = 1680 So there are 1680 possible combinations.

How many different four letter secret codes can be formed if the first letter must be an s or a t?

If the first letter must be an s or t, then the remaining three letters can be any letters at all. This means there are 26 possible entries for each of those spots. The total number of combinations is then 2 x 6 x 26 x 26 or 35,152.

How many 3 letter combinations are in ahtm?

There are four different groups of three, each of which can be arranged in six different ways so your answer is 24.

How many distinguishable 5-letter combinations are possible of the letters of the word tight?

Normally, there would be 5!=120 different permutations* of five letters. Since two of the letters are the same, we can each of these permutations will be duplicated once (with the matching letters switched). So there are only half as many, or 60 permutations.* (the correct terminology is "permutation". "combination" means something else.)