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There are three that I can see, there's clip, board and lip.

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Q: How many different three letter permutations can be formed from the letters in the word clipboard?
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The number of 7 letter permutations of the word ALGEBRA is the same as the number of permutation of 7 things taken 7 at a time, which is 5040. However, since the letter A is duplicated once, you have to divide by 2 in order to find out the number of distinct permutations, which is 2520.

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The number of 5 letter arrangements of the letters in the word DANNY is the same as the number of permutations of 5 things taken 5 at a time, which is 120. However, since the letter N is repeated once, the number of distinct permutations is one half of that, or 60.

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There are 8P5 = 8*7*6*5*4 = 6720

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A - Z means you can use the whole alphabet, which usually contains 26 letters. So a one-letter code would give you 26 permutations. 2 letters will give you 26 x 26 permutations. A three letter code, finally, will give you 26 x 26 x 26 , provided you don't have any restrictions given, like avoiding codes formed from 3 similar letters and such.

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Assuming you mean permutations of three digits, then the set of numbers that can be made with these digits is: 345 354 435 453 534 543 There are six possible permutations of three numbers.