

Best Answer

The question is the same as:

"After removing the 4 aces from a standard deck, how many different hands

of 9 cards can be dealt from the remaining 48 ?"

The calculation is

48! / (39! x 9!) = (48 x 47 x 46 x 45 x 44 x 43 x 42 x 41 x 40) / (9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2)

We get 1,677,106,640 .

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Q: How many hands of 13 cards containing all 4 aces can be dealt from a 52 cards?
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What is the probability of getting dealt two aces in a deck of cards?

The odds are 220:1 of being dealt pocket aces.

The probability of being dealt 4 aces in a 5 card poker hand?

Poker hands are combinations of cards (when the order does not matter, but each object can be chosen only once.)The number 52C5 of combinations of 52 cards taken 5 at a time is (52x51x50x49x48) / (5x4x3x2x1) = 2,598,960.The number of hands which contain 4 aces is 48 (the fifth card can be any of 48 other cards.)So there is 1 chance in (2,598,960 / 48) = 54,145 of being dealt 4 aces in a 5 card hand.The odds are 54,144 to 1 against. The probabilityis 1/54145 = (approx.) 0.000018469 or 0.0018469%.

What are the odds of drawing a fourth ace from a deck of cards if 3 have been dealt?

If three aces have already been dealt with, there is only one ace left and 49 cards left. P(4th ace)=1/49 The odds are 1 to 49. It is here assumed that four cards cards are delat one by one and the first three were aces.

What happens when pocket A's is dealt to a player or a dealer in any given session?

When pocket Aces are given to a player, 99% of the time, the player will split the Aces into 2 hands. In most cases the player will push when they do this, they will win one and lose one hand.When the dealer gets the pocket aces, it's treated as a 12, unless the dealer passes 21, in which case it's made into a 2, and added to the sum of the values of cards. The dealer is not able to split these cards into 2 hands, and must play it as one hand.

What is the probability of being dealt 4 aces from a standard 52 card deck?

The probability, if the cards are dealt often enough, is 1.On a single deal, the prob is 3.69379*10^-6

You are dealt one card from a 52 deck of cards what is the probability of being an ace?

Probability = Chance of Success / Total Chances (Chance of Success + Chance of Failure) There are 4 aces in a 52 card deck and 48 cards that are not aces. Probability of being dealt an ace = 4 / (4 + 48) = 4/52 = .0769 or about 7.7 percent

What is the combined probability of being dealt a face card and then a three as the second card from a standard 52 card deck?

Counting Aces as a face card, the answer is 0.0241 If Aces are not considered face cards, then the answer is 0.0181

What is the probability of beind dealt five aces from a standard 52 card deck?

Since there are only four aces in a standard 52 card deck, the probability of being dealt five aces is zero.

How many aces are there in a deck of 52 cards?

There are 4 Aces in a deck of 52 cards.4

How many red aces in deck of 52 cards?

There are two red aces in a deck of 52 cards.

What is a good hand in Texas holdem?

There a many good hands in Texas Holdem, such as, Three of a kind (when you get dealt your two cards, they are the same numbers on both, and there is a card on the table with the same number as the cards in your hand), the Straight (five consecutive cards- Aces may be used before a two or after a King), the Flush (five cards of the same suit), Full House (three of a kind and one pair), Four of a Kind (four cards with the same number), and the best hand is the Straight Flush (five consecutive cards of the same suit). The lowest hands in Texas Holdem are, High Card (Ace, king, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight etc.), One Pair (two cards with the same number), Two Pairs (for example, you have pairs of Aces and Tens).

How many kings and aces in a deck of cards?

4 kings and 4 aces