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There are 264 = 456,976 permutations of 4 letters of the Roman alphabet.

There are 103 = 1,000 permutations of 3 digits of the Roman alphabet.

These letters and digits can be ordered in 7C3 = 7*6*5/(3*2*1) = 35 ways.

So all in all, there are 456,976*1,000*35 = 15,994,160,000 possibilities.


  • letters that may be confused with numbers (O, I, Q, Z) are usually excluded. Excluding only 4 letters almost halves the first of the above number [224 = 234,256].
  • letter combinations that form (or are suggestive of) words considered obscene are usually not issued. Effect unknown.
  • characters in license plates are usually grouped: for example the UK used LLL999Y and then Y999LLL until 2000). This reduces the final factor from 35 to 1.
  • finally, some of the letters or numbers may be used for other purposes, for example to identify the year of issue, of the location. In the UK example, above, Y was used to identify the age when the license was first issued. A set of LLLs were used to identify the location. There was not, therefore, free choice in the characters or numbers.
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Q: How many license plate numbers can be made from 4 letters and 3 numbers?
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How many different ways can a license plate be made containing two letters and three digits with repetition of the numbers and letters not allowed?

There are 676,000 ways to make the license plates.

How many possible license plate numbers can be made from 1 numerical digit followed by 3 letters followed by 3 numerical digits?

each of the four numbers have 10 possibilities, and each of the three letters have 26 possibilities. so the total possible ways u can arrange them are 10x10x10x10x26x26x26 this totals up to 175,760,000 different license plate numbers

How many license plates can be made using three numbers and four letters?


How manyh license plates can be made by using 2 letters followed by 4 numbers?

There are 26 choices for each of the two letters, and 10 choices for each of the four numbers. Therefore, the total number of license plates that can be made is (26 * 26) * (10 * 10 * 10 * 10) = 676,000.

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How many license plates can be made using either two uppercase English letters followed by four digits or two digits followed by four uppercase English letters?

Can 2 cars have the same license plate?

Unless the license plate was illegally made, two cars wouldn't have the same license plate. This is because they are used to identify the driver/owner of the car if the police catch them doing something illegal (ex. speeding).

Where are car license plate made?

In prisons all over the united states.

How many license plates can be made using either three digits followed by three letters or three letters followed by three digits?

35,152,000 (assuming that 000 is a valid number, and that no letter combinations are disallowed for offensive connotations.) Also, no letters are disallowed because of possible confusion between letters and numbers eg 0 and O.

How many combinations do you get when you have three letters and three numbers?

720 is the number of ways to combine three known letters and three known numbers.For example, the letters A, B & C and the numbers 1, 2 & 3. The total combinations of these 6 characters is:(6 options)*(5 options)*(4)*(3)*(2)*(1) = 720.However, if the three numbers and three letters are unknown and any number or letter is possible, and repeated numbers or letters are acceptable (such as with a license plate), then the total possibilities for each "space" are multiplied together:(26 possibilities)*(26 possibilities)*(26 possibilities)*(10 possibilities)*(10 " ")*(10 " ") = 17,576,000 combinations.That is, there are 26 letters in the alphabet and 10 numbers (0 thru 9).This is assuming that three of the six spaces spaces are reserved for letters and three spaces are reservedfor numbers.If the combination can be any three letters and any three numbers where different combinations are made by changing whether each space contains a number or a letter, then the answer becomes a product and sum of different choose functions and is much more complicated...

How many license plates can be made using three digits and three letters without repetitions of letters and digits?

10,108,800 assuming that leading 0s are not allowed in the 3-digit numbers; that the licence authorities do not block some letter combinations because they are rude, and letters that might be confused with numbers (O and 0, I and 1, Z and 2, S and 5, B and 8) are all permitted.

How do you find How many license plates can be made using three numbers and four letters?

First of all, There are 10 Different numbers, 0-9. And 26 Letters, A-Z. We want 3 of there numbers. so it is, 10P3= 720 (10!/7!) We also want 26P4 =358800 So the Answer is 358800*720=258336000. Which is 258Million 336 Thousand. Roughly. As Some letters may not be used or some numbers. I don't really know the working of license plates. Update: Assuming that you are allowing repetitions of both letters and numbers, it follows that you do not have to use (p(n,r)) to find the permutation. The correct calculation is: 10^3(26^4) or p= 10*10*10(26*26*26*26)= 456,976,000