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It has 3 acute angles. You can do this by multiplying however many sides it has by 2. I think this works. Try it with different shapes! Hope this helps!

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Q: How many numbers of acute angles does a regular hexagon have?
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Does a regular hexagon have acute angles?

No. All interior angles of the regular hexagon are 120 degrees. The only regular polygon with acute angles is the equilateral triangle (60 degrees)

Does a hexagon have acute angles?

Regular hexagons have all obtuse angles

How many acute angles are in a hexagon?

None. Though there can be ten if the hexagons are concave hexagons.

How many acute angles does a hexagon have?

A regular six-sided hexagon has no interior acute angles, but it does have six interior obtuse angles, each measuring 120 degrees

Are the Hexagon angles acute or obtuse or right?

Obtuse angles.Another Answer:-If it is a regular hexagon then the interior angles are obtuse and the exterior angles are acute which are 120 and 60 degrees respectively

How many right acute and obtuse angles does a hexagon have?

If it is a 'regular' hexagon, then all angles are congruent, and all are obtuse.

Can a hexagon have 4 obtuse angles?

Four exactly? A regular hexagon has 6. But a hexagon can have four obtuse angles. A regular hexagon can be made a lot flatter so that the two angles at the sides become acute, while the remaining 4 are obtuse.

Does a hexagon have two acute and obtuse angles?

well a hexagon has 180 degrees so no all acute angles

Is a hexagon an obtuse anglea acute angle or a right angle?

A regular 6 sided hexagon has 6 interior obtuse angles each measuring 120 degrees

Can you make a convex hexagon with 5 acute angles?


Are the angels inside a reguler hexagon all obtuse right angels or acute?

A regular hexagon has 6 equal interior obtuse angles each measuring 120 degrees

How many acute and obtuse angle does hexogon have?

That depends whether or not that the 6 sided hexagon is irregular or regular shaped. If it is a regular hexagon then it will have 6 equal obtuse angles of 120 degrees that add up to 720 degrees.