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Q: How many numbers with distinct digits are possible the product of whose digits is 28?
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How many digits can the product of 2-digit numbers have?

If you mean, "What is the largest number of digits possible in the product of two 2-digit numbers" then 99 * 99 = 9801, or 4 digits. Anything down to 59 * 17 = 1003 will have 4 digits.

How many digits can be the product of two digit numbers have to give examples to support your answer?

It can have 4 digits, because the highest possible two digit numbers 99*99=9801.

What is the largest possible product of three 3 digit numbers all of whose digits are different?

Forming three three digit numbers that use the numbers 1-9 without repeating, the highest product possible is 611,721,516. This is formed from the numbers 941, 852, and 763.

How many two digits numbers are there in which the product of the digits is even?


What are 8 digit odd numbers with all digits different?

There are only five distinct odd digits.

What is a 4 digit ODD numbers have all 4 digits distinct?


Of example How many digits can the product of two 2 digit numbers have?

It should be obvious (it is, isn't it? am I expecting too much of today's educational system?) that the largest possible result of multiplying two two digit numbers is 99x99 = 9801, which has four digits, and the smallest possible result is 10x10 = 100, which has three digits.

How many counting numbers have four distinct nonzero digits such that the sum of the four digits is 10?

1,2,3,4 1+2+3+4=10 4 times 3 times 2 times 1 =24 24 counting numbers

How many 4 digit numbers can are there with distinct digits?

4,536 whole numbers or mixed numbers. 5,040 pure decimals.

If the three digits numbers x and y are each composed of three distinct non zero digits what is the greatest possible value of x-y?

x is 987 subtract y is 123 ,which 987-123=864.

What fraction of all 4 digits natural numbers have a product of their digits that is even?

67/72 of them.

What even number has digits whose product is ten?

52 is a number whose digits have a product of 10.