Assuming you can use the values listed, and the phone number is 7 digits (e.g. XXX-XXXX), then you can select 3 numbers for the first digit (0 is exempt) then 4 selections for the rest of the digits. So, 3*4*4*4*4*4*4 = 12288 phone numbers.
If the numbers and letters can be repeated then there are 45,697,600 possible outcomes. If the letters and numbers can not be repeated there are 32,292,000 possible outcomes.
As with decimal numbers, there are infinitely many of them and so it is not possible to list them.
There are infinitely many possible pairs of numbers. One possible pair is -1 and 24.
With the constraints you have listed, there are only 6 possible phone numbers:202-1178202-1187202-1718202-1781202-1817202-1871The first four digits are fixed, and there are six possible permutations of three different digits.
100 phone numbers
There is no such word as didgit.In theory there are 10,000,000 or ten million possible number but not all possible numbers are used. If 911 is for the emergency services then there will not be any numbers starting with 911. Otherwise the phone system will be unable to make out whether a pause after "911" is because the required number was actually or because the person is getting hold of the next 4 digits. There are other such special numbers.
There are many directories possible for you to list your phone number on. Yellowpages has both in print and online resources to locate business numbers.
hi wazup hi wazup
Without restrictions, it was would numbers 000-000-0000 through 999-999-9999. So that would be 9,999,999,999 + 1 = 10 billion different 10-digit phone numbers. Ex: If there existed single digit phone numbers, there would be 10, because the digits are 0 through 9. If there existed only double digit phone numbers, then it would be 00 through 99 which would be 100 total two-digit numbers. Therefore the total possible combinations for an X digit phone number would be: 10^X
In HeartGold and SoulSilver you can register all the phone numbers!
Just 1.
11 numbers and starts with a 1