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1.6 x 2.4= 3.84, now we must realize 1.6cm and 2.4cm are rounded to the tenths digit (.1) so the answer must also be rounded to the tenths didgit, therefore 3.84=3.8. Now we can conclude the product has 2 significant digits due to the fact it has a 3 and 8 as a product and no zeros to make this anymore complicated.

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Q: How many significant digits should be shown in the product of 1.6 cm and 2.4 cm?
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How many significant digits should be shown in the product of 1.6cm and 2.4 cm?

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Three. All non-zero digits are significant, all zeroes between other digits, and all digits to the right of the decimal. The reason for this is that if this is rounded off, it apparently is rounded off to the nearest tenth, otherwise the tenth place would not be shown. if it were rounded off to the unit, it would read 39, not 39.0 ■

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1 11 21 1211 111221 311211 ........ ..........?

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