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Q: How many simple random samples are possible of size 40 from a population of size 500?
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How many simple random samples of size 5 can be selected from a population of size 35?

There are 324,632 possible samples.

What is the definition of simple random sample?

There are two equivalent ways of defining a simple random sample from a larger population. One definition is that every member of the population has the same probability of being included in the sample. The second is that, if you generate all possible samples of the given size from the population, then each such sample has the same probability of being selected for use.

What is the formula for simple random sampling?

The formula for simple random sampling is: n = N * (X / M) Where: n = number of samples N = population size X = sample size chosen M = total number of units in the population

How many different simple random samples of 7 are possible from a pool of 25?

There are 25C7 different samples of seven from a pool of 25.25C7 = 25!/(7!(25-7)!) = 480 700 different samples of 7

How many different simple random samples of size 4 can be obtained from a population whose size is 42?

Number of samples = 42C4 = 42*41*40*39/24 = 111930

How many different simple random sample of size 7 can be obtained from a population which is a size 100?

There are 16,007,560,800 or just over 16 billion samples.

How many simple random samples of size 3 can be selected from a population of size 7?

7*6*5/(3*2*1) = 35

What is stratified random sampling in statistics?

Stratified Random Sampling: obtained by separating the population into mutually exclusive (only belong to one set) sets, or stratas, and then drawing simple random samples (a sample selected in a way that every possible sample with the same number of observation is equally likely to be chosen) from each stratum.

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What is the difference between a simple random sample and a stratified random sample?

Sometimes a population consists of a number of subsets (strata) such that members within any particular strata are alike while difference between strata are more than simply random variations. In such a case, the population can be split up into strata. Then a stratified random sample consists of simple random samples, with the same sampling proportion, taken within each stratum.

How many simple random samples of size 5 can be obtained from a population whose size is 38?

You wouldn't want to use the same item twice, so just divide 38/5 = 7+ ... you can get 7 samples of size 5.

When individuals all have an equal chance of being selected and all samples have an equal chance of being selected its called a stratified random example convenience cluster or simple random sample?

Simple random sampling.