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Q: How many solutions Two distinct parabolas?
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How many solutions are there if the discriminant of the equation is positive?

There are two distinct real solutions.

A positive discriminant means the quadratic equation will have how many solutions?

Two distinct real solutions.

If the discriminant is zero then there are no imaginary solutions?

Yes, if the discriminant is zero, then there will be a double root, which will be real.Also, If the discriminant is positive, there will be two distinct real solutions. But if the discriminant is negative, then you will have two complex solutions.

How many real solutions does the following quadratic equation have by using the discriminant?

If the discriminant > 0 then 2 distinct real solutions.If the discriminant = 0 then 1 double real solution.If the discriminant < 0 then no real solutions (though there are two complex solutions).

If two solutions are mixed together and they form layers they are said to?

be immiscible. This means that the two solutions cannot be mixed together evenly and instead separate into distinct layers due to their differences in polarity or density.

How do you know if a quadratic equation will have more than one solutions?

Write the quadratic equation in the standard form: ax2 + bx + c = 0 Then calculate the discriminant = b2 - 4ac If the discriminant is greater than zero, there are two distinct real solutions. If the discriminant is zero, there is one real solution. If the discriminany is less than zero, there are no real solutions (there will be two distinct imaginary solutions).

Can two parabolas of the form with different vertices have the same axis of symmetry?

The form is not specified in the question so it is hard to tell. But two parabolas with different vertices can certainly have the same axis of symmetry.

What is the type of the solution determined by?

It depends on the discriminant value of the quadratic equation. If the discriminant is positive, there are two distinct real solutions; if it is zero, there is one real solution; and if it is negative, there are two complex conjugate solutions.

How many distinct factors does 45 have?

Six distinct factors Two distinct prime factors

Does every quadratic equation have two distinct real numbers in its solution set?

Nope. Consider x2+0x+1=0. This means x2+1=0. This has two solutions, but they are complex numbers: +i and -i, where i is the squareroot of -1. How about x2+0x+0=0? This means x2=0. This has two solutions, sure, but they aren't distinct. In this case, x=0 for both solutions, so we just consider them one solution.

What are the types of parabolas?

There are two ways of classifying parabolas: By the direction in which they are open: open at the top or at the bottom. By the number of real roots: 2 real, 1 real or no real roots.

Discriminant is negative how many solutions?

Two complex solutions.