It depends on the paint, and the surface that you are painting - including its preparation.
It depends on the paint. It should say on the can how much it will cover.
A bundle of Shingles will cover roughly 33 square feet. A square of Shingles (3 Bundles) will cover 100 square feet.
It depends on the kind of paint it can veri from 39 ft to 50 ft if used right Improved Answer: Even a high build elastomeric paint goes 80 square feet a gallon. A standard gallon of paint has a theoretical coverage rate of 400 sq ft. However, this amount will be reduced on a porous or textured surface as much as half.
If your drum is a 55 gallon drum and your paint can cover 400 square feet per gallon then you may cover (one coat only) a square almost 150 by 150 feet.
He covered 115 square feet per gallon. - Way below the average, which is about 280 sf per gallon.
That would depend on the type of paint you want to use. Usually, the area coverage will be written on the label of the paint can. Approx. 400 sq feet is the coverage on a smooth surface using regular house paint, however, an elastomeric paint would only go approx 80 sq ft per gallon.
For many paints, one gallon will cover 400 square feet. However, the quality of the paint can affect how much it will cover.
An average gallon of latex house paint will cover 280 square feet
2.81 gallons for every 1/100 of an inch thick. Most paints are applied at 4 mils wet, so they usually cover about 400 square foot per gallon. So you'd need about a gallon and a quart to cover 450 square feet.
about 350 square feet, this can vary depending on what type of surface you are painting. surfaces such as concrete can suck up paint therefore you would need more paint for them
About 250 sq. ft.