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Q: How many therms to heat one gallon of water 50 degrees?
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How many natural gas therms are required to boil water?

The amount of natural gas therms required to boil water depends on the volume of water and the efficiency of the heating system. On average, it takes about 0.12 therms to heat a gallon of water, but this can vary based on factors like starting water temperature and insulation of the heating system.

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The amount of propane needed to heat a 50 gallon water heater from 75 degrees to 105 degrees would depend on factors such as the efficiency of the water heater, the starting temperature of the water, and the ambient temperature. It is difficult to provide an exact amount without this information.

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If a piece of iron with a temperature of 300 degrees celsius is dropped into a gallon of water with a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius heat will?

heat will flow from the iron to the water until both are the same temperature

How many therms does it take to heat 30 gallons of hot water?

That's going to depend on the temperature of the water before you heat it, and on how hot you want it to be when you're done.

How many BTUs will it take to change 1 gallon of water at 32 degrees to ice at 32 degrees?

You would need to remove approximately 1200 BTUs of heat to convert a gallon of water to ice. There are 8.34 lb in a gallon of water, which converting to lb-moles is 0.463. The latent heat of crystallization for water is -2583.4 BTU/lb-mole. Multiplying the two together and you get -1197 BTUs, which means you need to remove that amount of heat to convert the gallon of water to ice.

How many gallons of hot water does it take to heat 1 gallon of cold to 72 degrees?

That depends on the starting temperature of the cold water and the starting temperature of the hot water.

How long does a 40 gallon electric heat water heater at 140 degrees take to heat up after restarting with cold water?

depends on the wattage of the elements along with the temp of the cold water but i would guess an hour or two

Is heat measured in degrees?

No. Heat is one of many forms of energy, and is measured in units of energy ... joules, calories, watt-seconds, BTU, foot-pounds, etc. "Degrees" describe the temperature of an object or a sample of a substance. That's a measure of how "full of heat" it is. One joule of heat will fill an ounce of water higher than the same joule will fill a gallon of water. So after absorbing the same amount of heat, the temperature of the ounce is higher than the gallon's temperature.

How many BTUs does it take to heat 390 gallon tank of water from 60 degrees to 248 degrees?

To heat a 390 gallon tank of water from 60°F to 248°F, you would need approximately 1,251,600 BTUs. This calculation takes into account the specific heat capacity of water (1 BTU/lb°F) and the weight of water (8.34 lbs/gallon).

Is the heat intensity of water at 100 degrees celsius the same as the heat intensity of water 212 degrees Fahrenheit?

100 degrees celsius are equal to 212 degrees fahrenheit.