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Q: How many times should kareen expect to win if he spins the arrow 10 times?
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What causes wind to spin?

When the wind blows, the pointer on a weather vane spins. The arrow points the letter abbreviation of where the wind is blowing.

What is a wind vain?

the same as a weathercock. it is an arrow that spins to point to the direction from which the wind is blowing. It usually surmounts the points of the compass to aid the observer.

Here is a spinner when the arrow is spun once a 1 2 or 3 can be scored bill is going to spin the arrow twice he will out his total score by adding the 2 scores he gets on the 2 spins work out x?

unfortunately im not aware

What rolls do yaw roll and pitch play in the flight of an arrow?

yaw (turning left, right) and roll (spin left, right) and pitch (up, down) are all direction changes and the faster the arrow rolls (spins) the more accurate it is. I would know I won gold in archery in the Olympics.

Which instrument is called wind-direction indicator?

A wind vane is the instrument used to indicate the direction of the wind. It is typically shaped like an arrow and spins freely to align with the wind direction.

What is the pronoun of The spider spin its web from the cabinet to the wall?

"its" is a possessive pronoun. "spin" should be "spins".

How many spins are in a 900?

2 and 1/2 spins in a 900

How does the planet Mercury's spins?

how does the planet mercury's spins?

Which on is dizzier turns or spins?

'''i am 90% sure that it is spins :) :/'''

What is the plural of spin?

The plural of "spin" is "spins."