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Q: How many zeros are there in a zero polynomial?
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How do you find polynomial whose zeros are given?

when the equation is equal to zero. . .:)

What are the zeros of polynomials?

The values of the variables which make the polynomial equal to zero

Is it always true that between any two zeros of any polynomial there is a zero of the derivative?


What are the zeros of a polynomial function?

the zeros of a function is/are the values of the variables in the function that makes/make the function zero. for example: In f(x) = x2 -7x + 10, the zeros of the function are 2 and 5 because these will make the function zero.

What is a zero of polynomial function?

A zero of a polynomial function - or of any function, for that matter - is a value of the independent variable (often called "x") for which the function evaluates to zero. In other words, a solution to the equation P(x) = 0. For example, if your polynomial is x2 - x, the corresponding equation is x2 - x = 0. Solutions to this equation - and thus, zeros to the polynomial - are x = 0, and x = 1.

How do you find zeros of a polynomial?

If there is one variable. Then put each variable equal to zero and then solve for the other variable.

What is a quadratic polynomial which has no zeros?

A quadratic polynomial must have zeros, though they may be complex numbers.A quadratic polynomial with no real zeros is one whose discriminant b2-4ac is negative. Such a polynomial has no special name.

Is it always true that between any two zeros of the derivative of any polynomial there is a zero of the polynomial?

No. Consider the polynomial: f(x) = x3 + 4x2 + 4x + 16 then f'(x) = 3x2 + 8x + 4 = (3x + 2)(x + 2) => x = -2/3, -2 are the zeros of f'(x) Using the second derivative: f''(x) = 6x + 8 it can be seen that: f''(-2) = -4 -> x = -2 is a maximum f''(-2/3) = +4 -> x = -2/3 is a minimum But plugging back into the original polynomial: f(-2) = 16 f(-2/3) = 14 22/27 Between the zeros of the first derivative, the slope of the polynomial is negative so that the polynomial is always decreasing in value, but as the polynomial is greater than zero at the zeros of the first derivative, it cannot become zero between them. That is it has no zeros between the zeros of its first derivative f(x) = x3 + 4x2 + 4x + 16 = (x + 4)(x2 + 4) has only 1 zero at x = -4.

what are all of the zeros of this polynomial function f(a)=a^4-81?

Find All Possible Roots/Zeros Using the Rational Roots Test f(x)=x^4-81 ... If a polynomial function has integer coefficients, then every rational zero will ...

Which is a third degree polynomial with -1 and 1 as its only zeros?

You need to multiply three terms, one for each zero. To have only two zeros, the polynomial would need to have a "double zero" (or more generally, a "multiple zero), that is, a repeated factor. In this case, the zeros can be one of the following: -1, -1, 1, with the corresponding factors: (x+1)(x+1)(x-1) or: -1, 1, 1, with the corresponding factors: (x+1)(x-1)(x-1) If you like, you can multiply these factors out to get the polynomial in standard form.

What do the zeros of a polynomial function represent on a graph?

The zeros of a polynomial represent the points at which the graph crosses (or touches) the x-axis.

How many zeros are in zero?

There is one zero in the number zero.