As long as the decimal is greater than one.
9 and 1/10 is a mixed number. As a decimal, that is written 9.1
10.9 is a decimal which can also be written as 10 and 9/10
The mixed number 1 5/6 is a recurring fraction when written as a decimal. It can be written as 1.83333333.
15/50 (0.3) can't be a mixed number. Mixed numbers are greater than one.
As long as the decimal is greater than one.
the mixed number is written like this: 1 ---- 9 10 this is the decimal: 9.1
9 and 1/10 is a mixed number. As a decimal, that is written 9.1
10.9 is a decimal which can also be written as 10 and 9/10
Neither, it is a decimal but it can be written as a fraction.
The mixed number 1 5/6 is a recurring fraction when written as a decimal. It can be written as 1.83333333.
Not sure what you mean by a mixed decimal, but 5/7 is a repeating decimal: 0.71485 The last five digit repeat. A mixed decimal is when you have both a fraction and a decimal in your answer. Like, 5/7 is equal to ( 0.71 3/7). Fractions equivalent to repeating decimals may be written as mixed decimals.
15/50 (0.3) can't be a mixed number. Mixed numbers are greater than one.
5.35 is the decimal equivalent of 535/100.
0.16 is already a decimal. And there is no mixed decimal.
0.1 may be written as 1/10
not just any fraction can be written as a mixed number because, for example, 5/7 you can't because if you divide 7 into 5 you get some decimal and a decimal can't be the numerator or denominator of a fraction.