A mini mix can hold up to four cubic meters of concrete. Some may hold a little more or a little less depending on type and thickness of concrete.
A typical mixture of concrete will be 10 to 15% cement, 60 to 75% aggregate, and 15 to 20% water.
There are different concrete mixes and the will depend on which mix it is. The material ratio will remain the same whatever the volume is.
500 pounds cement, 1500 pounds sand, 1600 pounds gravel. Mix with 32 gallons water
How deep? Are you talking about dry mix weight or finished weight? Concrete weighs 150 pounds per cubic foot. So if you have a 6" slab, that's 150# for 2 square feet. For a 4" slab, the same amount will cover 3 square feet. For a 3" slab, 4 square feet. Concrete mix is commonly sold in 80 pound bags. The finished weight is the mix plus the water that gets chemically bound to it. There's a guide on the bag telling how many bags you need for a given area and thickness.
The weight of a 94 lb. sack of cement is incidental - the bag is packaged in that size in order to hold one cubic foot of cement, and 94 pounds is simply what one cubic foot of dry cement powder weighs. Mix design for concrete was originally performed by volume and not by weight. Mix designers were initially concerned about variations in density and thought volume would deliver the most consistent results. As time progressed, they found that mix design were not adversly affected when designed by weight, (which was also much simpler), and therefore became used industry wide. Because 94lbs of cement is, as noted above, what 1 cubic foot of cement weighs, the 94 lb sack was a backhanded way for the mix designers to check the weight calculations easily with known volumes.
How deep do you want the concrete to be?
I think it is twice the cost of ready mix concrete?
1 yard of mix ready weight please
Bags of dry powered mix concrete are usually just a couple of bucks each for 80lbs.
Lean mix concrete is used for substructures like foundations,piles,etc.,Ready mix concrete is used for superstructures and also for mass construction.Generally, quality of ready mix concrete is good when compared to the lean mix concrete.Workability of lean mix concrete is high when compared to RMC.
That depends on what depth you want the concrete !
Dependant on if you have additives with the concrete and how much water is in the mix. In general concrete will achieve 80 - 90 percent strength within in 24 hours
Dry lean concrete is used as a sub base for structural concrete. It contains much less cement and more sand compared to structural concrete.
some concrete trucks can carry up to 12yards of ready mix concrete. But most times they keep it under 10 yards per load.
does not exceed 30N/mm2