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The latent heat of condensation of steam is 2260 Joules per gram (539.3 cals/g). So the amount of heat released by 12.4 g = 12.4*2260 Joules = 28,024 Joules or 6687 cals.

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Q: How much heat is released when 12.4 g of steam at 100 degrees celsius condenses to water at 100 degrees celsius?
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Is the temp of steam at 100 degrees celsius same as 100 degrees celsius water?

Leaving aside the effects of pressure, yes, the temperatures are the same. But the amount of heat (thermal energy) per gram, is much greater for the steam.

How much heat is required to convert 1.00 kg of water at 100 degrees Celsius to steam at 100 degrees Celsius?

Assuming standard atmospheric pressure, 2260 kilojoules.

How many calories are needed to change 1 gram of 100 degrees Celsius boiling water to 100 degrees Celsius steam?

This is the latent heat of vaporisation of water, which at standard pressure, is 539 calories (per gram).

How much heat energy will be required to lower the temperature of 2.67kg of steam from 282 degrees Celsius to 105 degrees Celsius?

You mean how much heat energy will be lost/transferred as you are losing Joules here. All in steam, so a simple q problem and no change of state. 2.67 kg = 2670 grams q = (2670 grams steam)(2.0 J/gC)(105 C - 282 C) = - 9.45 X 105 Joules ----------------------------------- This much heat energy must be lost to lower the temperature of the steam.

How much heat is necessary to change a 52.0 gram sample of water at 33.0 degrees Celsius into steam at 110 degrees celsius?

Raise the temp of 52 grams of water from 33.0 C to 100 C = 52*67*4.184 = 14.577 kJConvert evaporate 52 g of water to steam without change of temp = 52*2259 = 117.468 kJRaise the temp of 52 grams of steam from 100 C to 110 C = 52*10*2.02 = 1.051 kJTotal energy required = 133.095 kJ = 31,811 calories or 31.811 kCal.

Related questions

How much heat is released when 1000g of steam at 100 degrees Celsius condenses?

When steam at 100 degrees Celsius condenses, it releases 2260 Joules of energy per gram. Therefore, for 1000g of steam, the heat released would be 2,260,000 Joules (2260 J/g * 1000 g).

Why is steam at 100degree celsius more dangerous than water at 100degree celsius?

Steam at 100 degrees Celsius is more dangerous than water at 100 degrees Celsius because steam carries more heat energy and can cause deeper burns on contact with skin. Additionally, steam has a greater ability to penetrate clothing and protective gear, increasing the risk of burns.

What gas first appears as a colourless gas then when cooled it condenses into a colourless liquid and boils at 100 degrees celccius?

This gas is water vapor. As it cools, it condenses into liquid water and boils at 100 degrees Celsius, turning into steam.

Why does steam at 100 degrees Celsius do more damage to the skin than water at 100 degrees Celsius?

Steam at 100 degrees Celsius has more energy due to its phase change from liquid to gas, which causes it to transfer more heat to the skin upon contact. This can lead to more severe burns compared to water at the same temperature, which remains in the liquid state and does not transfer heat as efficiently.

How much heat is released when 160 grams of steam at 100 degrees C liquefies?

The heat released when steam at 100 degrees Celsius condenses into liquid water is equal to the heat it absorbed during the phase change from liquid water to steam. This heat is known as the latent heat of vaporization, which for water is approximately 2260 J/g. Therefore, the amount of heat released when 160 grams of steam liquefies is approximately 160g x 2260 J/g = 361,600 J.

What does water change to above 100 degrees Celsius?

Water changes into steam or water vapor above 100 degrees Celsius.

What happens to steam at 105 degrees Celsius?

At 105 degrees Celsius, steam will remain in the gaseous phase as it is above the boiling point of water (100 degrees Celsius). Steam will continue to condense into liquid water only once it cools down below the boiling point.

What temperature does water turns into steam is degrees Celsius?

It can be anywhere in between 60C and 100C (boiling point).

How many degrees is steam?

Steam is usually at a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius) when it forms at sea level.

What object is as hot as 500 degrees Celsius?

An object that can reach temperatures as high as 500 degrees Celsius could be a kiln used for firing ceramics or a high-temperature oven used in industries such as metalworking or glassblowing. This temperature is also hot enough to melt most metals.

Can steam be formed at 120 degrees Celsius?

Yes, it can.

What is the energy released when steam condenses to water?

The energy released when steam condenses to water is called the latent heat of vaporization. This energy is released in the form of heat as the steam loses its thermal energy and transitions back into liquid water.