If you are 30 and its 2012 you were born in the year of 1972
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
You would be thirty eight if you were born in January of 1972.
Answer: 40 years oldAge today:= Year today - Year born= 2012 - 1972= 40
You would be forty one years old.
As of September 2012, you are currently 40 years old if you were born in 1972.
On today's date, 1st September 2012, you would be 39 years old.
If you are 30 and its 2012 you were born in the year of 1972
if u were born in 1972 u would be 37
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
You would be thirty eight if you were born in January of 1972.
Answer: 40 years oldAge today:= Year today - Year born= 2012 - 1972= 40
You would be forty one years old.
You would be 39.
As of 7th January 2012, depending on what the exact date in January 1972 they were born, they would be either 39 or 40. If their birthday is between 1st and 6th January, they would be 39. Between 7th and 31st January, they would be 40.
You would be 38 this year.