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Q: How to find the z value t the left of the mean so that 97 per cent of the area under ther distribution curve lies to the right of it?
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What is the z value such that 50 percent of the total area lies to the right of the curve in a normal distribution?

The Z value is 0.

The total area under a normal distribution is infinite?

The total area under a normal distribution is not infinite. The total area under a normal distribution is a continuous value between any 2 given values. The function of a normal distribution is actually defined such that it must have a fixed value. For the "standard normal distribution" where μ=0 and σ=1, the area under the curve is equal to 1.

Is it true or false that The area under a normal distribution curve is always positive even if the z value is negative?

It is true. Because the normal distribution is above the horizontal axis for all values, the area under it is a positive quantity no matter the z value.

What is the mean of frequency distribution?

It is a mathematically calculated summary statistic. With discrete distributions it is the arithmetic mean whereas with a continuous distribution it is the value of the random variable (RV) such that it divides the area under the probability distribution curve in half.

What is the total area under the normal distribution curve?

The area under the normal distribution curve represents the probability of an event occurring that is normally distributed. So, the area under the entire normal distribution curve must be 1 (equal to 100%). For example, if the mean (average) male height is 5'10" then there is a 50% chance that a randomly selected male will have a height that is below or exactly 5'10". This is because the area under the normal curve from the left hand side up to the mean consists of half of the entire area of the normal curve. This leads us to the definitions of z-scores and standard deviations to represent how far along the normal curve a particular value is. We can calculate the likelihood of the value by finding the area under the normal curve to that point, usually by using a z-score cdf (cumulative density function) utility of a calculator or statistics software.

How do you explain the characteristics of the F Distribution?

Characteristics of the F-distribution1. It is not symmetric. The F-distribution is skewed right. That is, it is positively skewed.2. The shape of the F-distribution depends upon the degrees of freedom in the numerator and denominator. This is similar to the distribution and Student's t-distribution, whose shape depends upon their degrees of freedom.3. The total area under the curve is 1.4. The values of F are always greater than or equal to zero. That is F distribution can not be negative.5. It is asymptotic. As the value of X increases, the F curve approaches the X axis but never touches it. This is similar to the behavior of normal probability distribution.

What is the word with the definition of a hill shaped curve centered around an average value?

bell curve i believe is the word your looking for..Its called Normal Distribution :)

What is the meaning of AUC VALUE?

Area under curve

How do the width and height of a normal distribution curve?

By standard practice, the normal distribution curve should be normalized so that the area under the curve is 1. This results in a height, at the mean, of about 0.4, i.e. the probability of a sample value being equal to the mean is 40 percent. The width of the normal distribution curve is infinite, as the tails are asymptotic to the X axis. It is easier to understand that the +/- one sigma area is 68.2 percent, the +/- two sigma area is 95.4 percent, and the +/- three sigma area is 99.6 percent.

Is the value of mean equals 35.4 and value of median equals 35 the shape of the curve skewed is?

the shape of the curve skewed is "right"

How is probability related to the area under the normal curve?

The Normal curve is a graph of the probability density function of the standard normal distribution and, as is the case with any continuous random variable (RV), the probability that the RV takes a value in a given range is given by the integral of the function between the two limits. In other words, it is the area under the curve between those two values.

What percent of a normal population is within 2 standard deviations of the mean?

By the definition of standard deviation, 95.46% of the normal population will be within 2 SD of the mean. Explanation: The normal distribution of a population means it follows the "bell curve". The center of this bell curve is the population's mean value. One standard deviation defines two areas (on the left and right side of the central "mean" value) under the bell curve that each have 34.13% of the population. The next standard deviation adds two additional areas under the curve, each having 13.6% of the population. Adding the areas under the curves on both sides gives us (34.13% + 13.6%) x 2 = 95.46%