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The Abacus utilizes a combination of two bases (base-2 and base-5) to represent decimal numbers. It is held horizontally with the smaller deck at the top. Each bead on the top deck has the value 5 and each bead on the lower deck has the value 1. The beads are pushed towards the central crossbar to show numbers. Working from right to left, the first vertical line represents units, the next tens, the next hundreds and so on.

So for example to show the number 9, on the first line, one heaven bead (top deck) would be moved down (representing 5 units) and 4 earth beads (bottom deck) would be moved up (each representing 4 units). To show the number 79, in addition to the beads in the first line used to make the number 9, one heaven bead would be moved down and two earth beads would be moved up on the second line, representing 5 tens and 2 tens respectively.

Addition on the abacus involves registering the numbers on the beads in the straight-forward left-to-right sequence they are written down in. As long as the digits are placed correctly, and the carry

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Q: How was the abacus actually used as a simple calculator?
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Is the abacus an old version of the calculator?

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What is the ancient rod and bead device used to track debts?

abacus. Actually it's a calculator.

Who invented the abacus and what is it used for?

The abacus was invented by the ancient Chinese people and was used to perform mostly mathematical calculations. In Japan, even to this day, the abacus is still used for simple calculations. Many people consider the abacus the first "computer" or at least the first calculator.

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The earliest recorded calculating device is the abacus. Used as a simple computing device for performing arithmetic, the abacus most likely appeared first in Babylonia (now Iraq) over 5000 years ago.

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The very first calculator ever used could be an abicus, an electronic calculator, or even your brain. The first calculator invented was the abacus.

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How an abacus and calculator the same?

Abacus and Calculator and are same to the extent that both are used for doing calculations. One learnt how to use, these can help you to do calculations really fast. - Neeraj Sharma

How did people solve math problems before the modern calculator?

They used the abacus

What device is used for adding and subtracting numbers?

Either a calculator or an abacus. If not, your fingers.

What is a type of ancient calculator?

An abacus was used anciently to count using beads.

What is the name of the first manual calculator?

i am used to count some call this a manual calculator it's also called abacus

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In what time period? Abacus, calculator, number counter . . . .