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Q: How would you make 100 grams of a saltwater solution that is 20 percent salt.?
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What exactly how would you make 100 grams of a saltwater solution that is 20 percent salt tell how many grams of salt and how many grams of water you would need?

20% salt solution is the equivalent of adding 200gr salt in a 800 ml (1000ml -200ml) of water. you now have one liter of a 20% solution.

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The weight of 10 percent acetic acid solution would depend on the total volume of the solution. For example, if you have 100 grams of a 10 percent acetic acid solution, it would contain 10 grams of acetic acid.

What is a solute and solevent in a saltwater solution?

In a saltwater solution, salt (sodium chloride) is the solute and water is the solvent. The salt dissolves in the water to form the saltwater solution.

How would you make 22.3 percent salt solution?

To make a 22.3% salt solution, you would dissolve 22.3 grams of salt in 100 grams of solution (salt + water). This would result in a solution where 22.3% of the total weight is salt.

What is gram percent?

Gram percent is the number of grams of a solute per 100 grams of a solution. For example, if a solution of NaCl and water was said to have a 0.02g% of NaCl, this would mean that for 100g of saline solution, 0.02 of those grams are salt. Since 1L of water weighs 1kg (at normal conditions), there would be .2g of NaCl in 1L of a 0.02g% NaCl solution.

How many grams of EDTA do you add to make a 3.7 percent EDTA solution?

To make a 3.7% EDTA solution, you would add 3.7 grams of EDTA to 100 mL of solution.

What would salt be in a saltwater solution?

It would be the solute.

How do you prepare 30 percent sucrose solution?

See the two Related Questions to the left for the answer.The first is how to prepare a solution starting with a solid substance (and dissolving it). The second question is how to prepare a solution by diluting another solution.

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1 percent solution of a medication equals how many micrograms?

A 1 percent solution of a medication means it contains 1 gram of the medication in 100 mL of solution. To convert grams to micrograms, you multiply by 1,000,000. Therefore, a 1 percent solution would contain 1,000,000 micrograms of the medication.

How many grams of NaOH do you need to make 1 liter of a 10 percent sodium hudroxide solution?

To make a 10% NaOH solution, you would need 100 grams of NaOH per liter of water. So to make 1 liter, you would need 100 grams of NaOH.

How many grams of a drug must be used to prepare 3 liters of a 2 percent solution?

To prepare a 2% solution in 3 liters, you would need 60 grams of the drug. This is calculated by multiplying the volume (3 liters) by the percentage (2%) and converting the result to grams. 3 liters x 2% = 60 grams.