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Q: If a cricket jumps off the ground with an initial vertical velocity of 4 ft per second afer how many seconds does the cricket land on ground?
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If a cricket jumps off the ground with an initial vertical velocity of 4 ft per second what is an equation the height in ft of the crisket as a function of time in seconds since it jumped?


If a car goes in 6.8 seconds how do you figure out the acceleration?

To calculate acceleration, you need to know the initial velocity of the car and its final velocity after 6.8 seconds. The acceleration can be found using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

What is the vehicles velocity after 1.0 seconds?

That depends on its initial velocity and its acceleration. V1 = V0 + a * t

When will a stone return to the groun if it is thrown upward with an initial velocity of 16ms?

The stone will return to the ground when its vertical velocity becomes zero and it starts to fall back down. The time it takes for this to happen can be calculated using kinematic equations. In this case, the time can be found by setting the vertical velocity to zero and solving for time.

An arrow in flight has an initial velocity of 65 meters per second and 10 seconds later it has a velocity of 35 meters per second Which is the acceleration of the arrow?

Acceleration of the arrow is -3m/s2A = (velocity minus initial velocity) / time

When acceleration occurs?

Acceleration occurs when velocity changes over time. The formula for it is as follows: a = (Vf - Vi) / t a: acceleration (meters/seconds2) Vf: Final velocity (meters/seconds) Vi: Initial Velocity (meters/seconds) t: Time (seconds)

If a Ferrari with an initial velocity of 10 ms accelerates at a rate of 50 mss for 3 seconds what will its final velocity be?

l2Math. l2Math.

What does vt mean in the vertical motion formula?

it means initial upwards height times time in seconds

Find the acceleration of a car that goes from A meters per second to B meters per second in 8 seconds?

The acceleration of the car can be calculated using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Given the initial velocity (A), final velocity (B), and time (8 seconds), you can substitute the values into the formula to find the acceleration.

How far does a plane fly in 15 seconds while its velocity is increasing from 75 miles per second to 145 miles per second at a uniform rate of acceleration?

To find the distance traveled, we can use the formula: distance = initial velocity * time + 0.5 * acceleration * time^2. The initial velocity is 75 miles per second, the final velocity is 145 miles per second, and the time is 15 seconds. The acceleration can be found using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Plug in the values to find the acceleration and then calculate the distance traveled in 15 seconds.

What is the velocity of the ball 0.6 seconds after its release?

To determine the velocity of the ball 0.6 seconds after its release, we need more information such as the initial velocity and acceleration of the ball. You would use the formula: velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration * time).

How do you calculate acceleration between 6 and 9 seconds?

To calculate acceleration between 6 and 9 seconds, you need to find the change in velocity during that time interval and then divide it by the time taken. The formula for acceleration is acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Plug in the velocities at 6 seconds and 9 seconds into the formula to get the acceleration.