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I am not sure if this is correct, but here's my reasoning based on statistics: avg IQ is 100, and under a normalized bell curve that would include 95% of the population, so to move 3 std dev above or below would be:

1 std dev includes: 100-95 = 5. 5/2 = 2.5 so 2.5 + 95 => 97.5%

2 std dev includes: 100 - 97.5 = 2.5. 2.5/2 = 1.25 so 97.5 + 1.25 = 98.75

3 std dev includes: 100 - 98.75 = 1.25. 1.25/2 = .625 so 98.75 + .625 = 99.375

100 - 99.375 is percentage of population who are geniuses (more than 3 std dev above the mean) - about 0.6%, which is more than 1 in 200 people - That seems like a lot but unfortunately I'm not one of them :)

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Q: If a person with an IQ greater than 3 standard deviations above the mean is considered genius what percent of the population is considered geniuses?
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